International Hamas launches surprise attack on Israel; Israel has declared a state of war. Vol. VII

Biden administration report won’t say Israel violates international law, official says​

The report is expected to say Israel may have acted in ways that are concerning.

05/10/2024 04:19 PM EDT

The Biden administration is still pulling its punches when it comes to Israel.

President Joe Biden, despite pressure from Democratic lawmakers and his insistence that Israel avoid a major ground operation in Rafah, will not use a much-anticipated report to declare that Israel has violated international laws in its war with Hamas, a current U.S. official and former U.S. official say.

Instead, the administration plans to say that Israel may have acted in ways that are concerning and that it’s “reasonable” to believe that U.S. weapons may have been used in the deaths of civilians, according to the current and former officials, who were granted anonymity to speak ahead of an announcement.

The report, which was originally slated to be released Wednesday, is expected to state that Israel may have used U.S. weapons in ways that are inconsistent with best practices to reduce civilian casualties and international humanitarian laws without going so far as to say Israel is in violation, the official and former official said.

It was still being edited as of early Friday afternoon, according to another U.S. official familiar with the document, who warned of possible last minute changes. It also comes as Biden recently acknowledged that U.S. bombs had killed civilians in the conflict and has started withholding weapons from Israel to pressure it to avoid a major offensive in the Gaza Strip city of Rafah.

But the findings also are likely to outrage — if not necessarily surprise — Democratic lawmakers, progressive activists, humanitarian leaders and others who say the U.S. cannot keep assisting Israel as it bombards Gaza in its effort to root out Hamas militants.

Biden administration report won’t say Israel violates international law, official says​

The report is expected to say Israel may have acted in ways that are concerning.

05/10/2024 04:19 PM EDT

The Biden administration is still pulling its punches when it comes to Israel.

President Joe Biden, despite pressure from Democratic lawmakers and his insistence that Israel avoid a major ground operation in Rafah, will not use a much-anticipated report to declare that Israel has violated international laws in its war with Hamas, a current U.S. official and former U.S. official say.

Instead, the administration plans to say that Israel may have acted in ways that are concerning and that it’s “reasonable” to believe that U.S. weapons may have been used in the deaths of civilians, according to the current and former officials, who were granted anonymity to speak ahead of an announcement.

The report, which was originally slated to be released Wednesday, is expected to state that Israel may have used U.S. weapons in ways that are inconsistent with best practices to reduce civilian casualties and international humanitarian laws without going so far as to say Israel is in violation, the official and former official said.

It was still being edited as of early Friday afternoon, according to another U.S. official familiar with the document, who warned of possible last minute changes. It also comes as Biden recently acknowledged that U.S. bombs had killed civilians in the conflict and has started withholding weapons from Israel to pressure it to avoid a major offensive in the Gaza Strip city of Rafah.

But the findings also are likely to outrage — if not necessarily surprise — Democratic lawmakers, progressive activists, humanitarian leaders and others who say the U.S. cannot keep assisting Israel as it bombards Gaza in its effort to root out Hamas militants.

As they should. Israel has acted exactly how any other nation would've in this situation and if anything, have held back. If Hamas did October 7th on American soil Gaza would've been carpet bombed days later with 90% of Palestinians dead and buried. If it happened in London, NATO would've had hundreds of thousands of troops raising Gaza to dust days later. Israel have shown remarkable restraint to be honest. If they torched the entire region in a few days most people would've gone "yeah. Hamas just found out".
The UN General Assembly voted on Friday in favour of supporting a Palestinian bid for full membership in the world body.

The resolution was approved with 143 votes in favour, 9 against and 25 abstentions.

The US, Argentina, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Israel, Micronesia, Papua New Guinea, Palau and Nauru voted against.

The resolution, which was proposed in the name of 22 Arab countries, was co-sponsored by about 65 states.

Introduced by the UAE, which is heading the Arab Group for the month of May, the resolution stated that "the State of Palestine is qualified for membership in the United Nations in accordance with article 4 of the Charter and should therefore be admitted”.

It calls on the Security Council to "reconsider the matter favourably” after the US vetoed a resolution on April 18 that would have paved the way for full UN membership for Palestine

Australia has joined 142 other countries in backing Palestinian statehood in a high-profile United Nations vote, breaking with some of its closest security partners and infuriating Israel.

The United Nations General Assembly resolution, which passed overwhelmingly overnight on Friday, declared that “the State of Palestine is qualified for membership in the United Nations” under its charter rules.
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The UN General Assembly voted on Friday in favour of supporting a Palestinian bid for full membership in the world body.

The resolution was approved with 143 votes in favour, 9 against and 25 abstentions.

The US, Argentina, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Israel, Micronesia, Papua New Guinea, Palau and Nauru voted against.

The resolution, which was proposed in the name of 22 Arab countries, was co-sponsored by about 65 states.

Introduced by the UAE, which is heading the Arab Group for the month of May, the resolution stated that "the State of Palestine is qualified for membership in the United Nations in accordance with article 4 of the Charter and should therefore be admitted”.

It calls on the Security Council to "reconsider the matter favourably” after the US vetoed a resolution on April 18 that would have paved the way for full UN membership for Palestine
Does it matter that Hamas is a terror org to the UN? Would they get a seat at the UN?
Does it matter that Hamas is a terror org to the UN? Would they get a seat at the UN?

I'm not sure honestly

Are they considered a terror organisations by the UN?

These actions have led human rights groups to accuse it of war crimes. Argentina, Australia, Canada, Israel, Japan, Paraguay, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union[44] have designated Hamas as a terrorist organization. In 2018, a motion at the United Nations to condemn Hamas was rejected.

Don't think UN ever took the step. Although I fail to see how they weren't after October 7.

Israel’s foreign minister demanded Monday that the U.N. Security Council designate Hamas as a terrorist organization and impose “heavy sanctions.”

“I am demanding from the Security Council of the United Nations to put as much pressure as possible on the Hamas organization to release immediately and unconditionally all the kidnapped hostages,” Israel Katz said.

Looks like the UN themselves never did... ( from a quick search)
I'm not sure honestly

Are they considered a terror organisations by the UN?

These actions have led human rights groups to accuse it of war crimes. Argentina, Australia, Canada, Israel, Japan, Paraguay, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union[44] have designated Hamas as a terrorist organization. In 2018, a motion at the United Nations to condemn Hamas was rejected.

Don't think UN ever took the step. Although I fail to see how they weren't after October 7.

Israel’s foreign minister demanded Monday that the U.N. Security Council designate Hamas as a terrorist organization and impose “heavy sanctions.”

“I am demanding from the Security Council of the United Nations to put as much pressure as possible on the Hamas organization to release immediately and unconditionally all the kidnapped hostages,” Israel Katz said.

Looks like the UN themselves never did... ( from a quick search)
Which says a lot about the UN…….
Lulz. Yeah. U mad?



Literally any dog whistle for this team player.

Anyway, I'll be watching, but don't really have any opinion on the Israeli act. The Irish one is interesting. I don't want another fix for Ukraine, but they do like to pander to political causes. I don't like the favourite, the one from Croatia. Maybe Switzerland.


Literally any dog whistle for this team player.

Anyway, I'll be watching, but don't really have any opinion on the Israeli act. The Irish one is interesting. I don't want another fix for Ukraine, but they do like to pander to political causes. I don't like the favourite, the one from Croatia. Maybe Switzerland.

You don't say...

You don't say...

I remember the fuss when Sam Smith went to America a couple of years ago and wore a silly red devil costume or something. Bambie Thug would be giving heartattacks to those old fuddy duddies lol
I remember the fuss when Sam Smith went to America a couple of years ago and wore a silly red devil costume or something. Bambie Thug would be giving heartattacks to those old fuddy duddies lol


I don't know about you, mate, but I'm about to lose my lunch. 🤢

US says Israel’s use of US arms likely violated international law, but evidence is incomplete​

Updated 8:44 PM BRT, May 10, 2024

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Biden administration said Friday that Israel’s use of U.S.-provided weapons in Gaza likely violated international humanitarian law but that wartime conditions prevented U.S. officials from determining that for certain in specific airstrikes.

The finding of “reasonable” evidence to conclude that the U.S. ally had breached international law protecting civilians in the way it conducted its war against Hamas was the strongest statement that the Biden administration has yet made on the matter. It was released in a summary of a report being delivered to Congress on Friday.

But the caveat that the administration wasn’t able to link specific U.S. weapons to individual attacks by Israeli forces in Gaza could give the administration leeway in any future decision on whether to restrict provisions of offensive weapons to Israel.

The first-of-its-kind assessment, which was compelled by President Joe Biden’s fellow Democrats in Congress, comes after seven months of airstrikes, ground fighting and aid restrictions that have claimed the lives of nearly 35,000 Palestinians, mostly women and children.

While U.S. officials were unable to gather all the information they needed on specific strikes, the report said that given Israel’s “significant reliance” on U.S.-made weapons, it was “reasonable to assess” that they had been used by Israel’s security forces in instances “inconsistent” with its obligations under international humanitarian law “or with best practices for mitigating civilian harm.”

Israel’s military has the experience, technology and know-how to minimize harm to civilians, but “the results on the ground, including high levels of civilian casualties, raise substantial questions as to whether the IDF is using them effectively in all cases,” the report said.

International human rights groups and a review by an unofficial panel of former State and military officials, academic experts and others had pointed to more than a dozen Israeli airstrikes for which they said there were credible evidence of violations of the laws of war and humanitarian law. Targets included aid convoys, medical workers, hospitals, journalists, schools and refugee centers and other sites that have broad protection under international law.

They argued that the civilian death toll in many strikes in Gaza — such as an Oct. 31 strike on an apartment building reported to have killed 106 civilians — was disproportionate to the value of any military target.

Israel says it is following all U.S. and international law, that it investigates allegations of abuse by its security forces and that its campaign in Gaza is proportional to the existential threat it says is posed by Hamas.

Rep. Michael McCaul, the Republican chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said the review “only contributes to politically motivated anti-Israel sentiment” and should never have been done.

“Now is the time to stand with our ally Israel and ensure they have the tools they need,” he said in a statement.

But Sen. Chris Van Hollen, the Maryland Democrat who led the push in Congress, told reporters that even even though the administration had reached a general finding, “they’re ducking a determination on the hard cases. Politically inconvenient cases.”

The U.S. “treats the government of Israel as above the law,” Amanda Klasing of the Amnesty International USA rights group said in a statement.

Biden has tried to walk an ever-finer line in his support of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s war against Hamas. The U.S. leader is a target of growing rancor at home and abroad over the soaring Palestinian death toll and the onset of famine, caused in large part by Israeli restrictions on the movement of food and aid into Gaza. Tensions have been heightened further in recent weeks by Netanyahu’s pledge to expand the Israeli military’s offensive in the crowded southern city of Rafah, despite Biden’s adamant opposition.

Biden, in the closing months of a tough reelection campaign against Donald Trump, faces demands from many Democrats that he cut the flow of offensive weapons to Israel and denunciation from Republicans who accuse him of wavering on support for Israel at its time of need.

The Democratic administration took one of the first steps toward conditioning military aid to Israel in recent days when it paused a shipment of 3,500 bombs out of concern over Israel’s threatened offensive on Rafah, a southern city crowded with more than a million Palestinians, a senior administration official said.

The presidential directive that led to the review, agreed to in February, obligated the Defense and State departments to conduct “an assessment of any credible reports or allegations that such defense articles and, as appropriate, defense services, have been used in a manner not consistent with international law, including international humanitarian law.”

Nothing in the presidential directive would have triggered any cutoff of arms if the administration had more definitively ruled that Israel’s conduct had violated international law.

The agreement also obligated the State and Defense departments to tell Congress whether they deemed that Israel has acted to “arbitrarily to deny, restrict, or otherwise impede, directly or indirectly,” delivery of any U.S.-supported humanitarian aid into Gaza for starving civilians there.

On this question, the report cited “deep concerns” that Israel played a significant role in preventing adequate aid from reaching starving Palestinians. However, it said Israel had recently taken some positive steps, although still inadequate, and the U.S. government did not currently find Israel restricting aid deliveries in a way that violated U.S. law governing foreign militaries that receive U.S. military aid.

Van Hollen accused the administration of glossing over what he said were clear Israeli blocks on food and aid deliveries during much of the war. “That’s why we have hundreds of thousands of Palestinians that have nothing to do with Hamas on the verge of starvation,” he said.

Lawmakers and others who advocated for the review said Biden and previous American leaders have followed a double standard when enforcing U.S. laws governing how foreign militaries use U.S. support, an accusation the Biden administration denies.

Their opponents argued that a U.S. finding against Israel would weaken it at a time it is battling Hamas and other Iran-backed groups. It’s not clear how much Friday’s more in-between verdict would add to pressure on Biden to curb the flow of weapons and money to Israel’s military or further heighten tensions with Netanyahu’s hard-right government.
Remember the week long argument about whether they blew up the hospital?

Tens of thousands of civilians bombed into dust and now barely a peep.
Remember the week long argument about whether they blew up the hospital?

Tens of thousands of civilians bombed into dust and now barely a peep.

Hard to keep it up constantly in the face of the 'up is down, right is left' crowd who somehow exist.

Deep down we all know this atrocity won't soon be forgotten.

What a joke. Take note of how they dropped this at 5 PM on a Friday as well.

You don't actually think America is gonna turn their back on Israel for...fucking Palestine(LOL), do you?

You just have an inept President desperately trying to please a coalition of irrational blue haired idiots that he needs to vote for him. This is why you get these vague reports of limp wrist condemnations, while they always stop short of actually doing anything meaningful. Like that whole "red line" bullshit about waging war in Rafah. Psst, they're already dropping bombs there. It just hasn't met the imaginary "threshold" that the Biden admin will keep re-calculating as Israel does their thing.

Biden: "If they move on Rafah, that's no good, Cornpop."

*Israel moves on Rafah*

Biden: "That's not what I meant, Jack! I meant a real bad full kinda invasion that nobody knows the definition of."

Get used to that can getting kicked down the road...

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