International Hamas launches surprise attack on Israel; Israel has declared a state of war. Vol. VII


maybe try to visit israel. you can.

How is this such a consistent line of defence for zionists?

Yes, we know - unquestioned funding and support from the US makes for having a very nice country. This isn't an argument. The exploitation and brutality of plantation cotton farming made for some beautiful manors. If someone said theyhad a problem with the dehumanization of slavery, would you "lol." and suggest they go marvel at the rich plantation owner's manicured gardens?

Maybe you should go and visit one of the homes stolen and occupied in the west bank.
How is this such a consistent line of defence for zionists?

Yes, we know - unquestioned funding and support from the US makes for having a very nice country. This isn't an argument. The exploitation and brutality of plantation cotton farming made for some beautiful manors. If someone said theyhad a problem with the dehumanization of slavery, would you "lol." and suggest they go marvel at the rich plantation owner's manicured gardens?

Maybe you should go and visit one of the homes stolen and occupied in the west bank.
the israelis are a resourceful group. it wasn't slave labor that built israel to what it is today. freedom and innovation play(ed) a big role.

and area c of the west bank isn't just some one way issue. i am against the radical settler approach and violent expulsion is criminal, but there's also legitimate reasons for israeli control of the area.

his statement in no way describes israel.

are you an "anti-zionist"? what does either term even mean to you?
Funny how when it was hamas is was a horrendous crime and proof of how little fucks hamas gives for Palestinians.

Blocking and destroying aid is Jljust bad pr when down by Israelis..... has zero impact on the humanitarian crisis...

Jfc mam
Elaborate- I fail to see the comparison. Israeli protests are blocking aid at no meaningful scale and having very little impact on the quantity of aid which enters the strip. Hamas has a near monopoly on the market inside.

Israeli officials cancel decision to confiscate camera from US news agency​

Backtrack on Gaza live feed camera follows widespread condemnation from media groups and Israel’s closest ally, the US


Israeli officials seized a camera and broadcasting equipment belonging to the Associated Press in southern Israel on Tuesday, before reversing course in the face of widespread condemnation from media groups and criticism from its closest ally, the United States.

Officials had accused the US-based wire service, which has subscribers around the globe, of violating a new media law by providing images to Al Jazeera.

The Qatari satellite channel, which is among thousands of clients that receive live video feeds from AP, was forced to close its offices in Israel on 5 May after a government vote to use new laws to close the satellite news network’s operations in the country.

Officials from the communications ministry arrived at the AP location in the southern Israeli border town of Sderot on Tuesday afternoon and seized the equipment. They handed the news agency a piece of paper, signed by the communications minister, Shlomo Karhi, a member of Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party, alleging it was violating the country’s foreign broadcaster law.

But in a statement late on Tuesday, Karhi said he had ordered officials to cancel the original decision and return the confiscated equipment, pending a decision by the Ministry of Defence, which he said wished to examine the issue.

The seizure, which Reporters Without Borders described as “outrageous censorship”, had prompted a wave of criticism from media organisations and politicians.

“The Associated Press decries in the strongest terms the actions of the Israeli government to shut down our longstanding live feed showing a view into Gaza and seize AP equipment,” said Lauren Easton, the vice-president of corporate communications at the news organisation.

“The shutdown was not based on the content of the feed but rather an abusive use by the Israeli government of the country’s new foreign broadcaster law.

“We urge the Israeli authorities to return our equipment and enable us to reinstate our live feed immediately so we can continue to provide this important visual journalism to thousands of media outlets around the world.”

The White House said it was looking into the incident, which it described as concerning. The press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, said it believed journalists had the ability and right to do their jobs.

The Israeli opposition leader, Yair Lapid, posted on X: “The confiscation of the equipment of AP, the largest news agency in the world … is an act of madness. This is not Al Jazeera, this is an American media outlet that has won 53 Pulitzer Prizes.”

The seized equipment had been broadcasting a live shot of northern Gaza. AP complies with Israel’s military censorship rules, which prohibit broadcasts of details such as troops movements that could endanger soldiers.

The seizure and return of AP’s equipment comes amid tougher restrictions for journalists operating in Israel, whereby international journalists have been denied access to Gaza by Israel during the conflict, despite a case brought by the Foreign Press Association in Israel.

It follows widespread international condemnation of the Israel Defense Forces’ alleged targeting of Palestinian journalists, a claim denied by the IDF.

As of 21 May, at least 105 journalists and media workers were among the more than 36,000 people killed since the war began on 7 October, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ). The figure includes 100 Palestinian journalists, two Israelis and three Lebanese, in the deadliest period for journalists since the CPJ began gathering data in 1992.

Israel has long had a rocky relationship with Al Jazeera, accusing it of bias against the country. The Israeli prime minister, Netanyahu, has called it a “terror channel” that spreads incitement.
I'll say one thing about Netanyahu, for a man that talks about religion and jewishness so much he doesn't seem to put much value in human life. They have taken exponentially more pounds of flesh than they have given.
- Almost very psico justifies his atrocities with religion!

Not remotely a whataboutism.
They are so far removed from being the primary obstacle to aid distribution in the strip and are not actually contributing to the humanitarian crisis beyond terrible PR.
You’re a Hamas apologist. Period.

Elaborate- I fail to see the comparison. Israeli protests are blocking aid at no meaningful scale and having very little impact on the quantity of aid which enters the strip. Hamas has a near monopoly on the market inside.

there's isn't a comparison.... a comparison isn't required.

When hamas fucks with humanitarian it's fucked up

When a Israeli fucks with humanitarian aid it's fucked up.

To pretend burning and looting and destroying aid isn't " actually contributing to the humanitarian crisis beyond terrible PR. "

Come on now.........
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The Latest | UN food aid collapses in Rafah as Israeli leaders decry war crime​

The International Criminal Court (ICC) could soon issue arrest warrants for Israeli and Hamas leaders, including Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, more than seven months into the war between the two sides, based on a request by the court’s chief prosecutor.

Updated 9:23 AM GMT+10, May 22, 2024

The United Nations said Tuesday that it was no longer able to distribute food aid in the southern Gaza city of Rafah due to lack of supplies and insecurity.

The humanitarian crisis has escalated over the past two weeks since Israel launched an incursion into Rafah that closed a vital border crossing, vowing to root out Hamas fighters. The fighting sent hundreds of thousands of Palestinians fleeing out of Rafah, many of whom were displaced earlier in the war.

A U.S. official said Tuesday that Israel has addressed many of President Joe Biden’s concerns about a full-scale ground invasion of Rafah, although the Americans stopped short of greenlighting a total Israeli assault on the city.
Israel and the United States are also seeking to contain fallout after chief prosecutor of the world’s top war crimes court requested arrest warrants for leaders of both Israel and Hamas. Among the prosecutor’s allegations against Israel was using “starvation as a method of warfare.” Israeli and U.S. leaders harshly condemned the accusations.
You’re not new to this thread. I’ve shared my opinions on the history of the conflict multiple times and no I don’t feel like retreading our way back to the 1920s every time I voice an opinion. I’m starting with October 7th because it is the reason for this invasion that we are talking. Not 1967, not 2006, not 2014.

But all these things were happening literally right before. Not 2014.
there's isn't a comparison.... a comparison isn't required.

When hamas fucks with humanitarian it's fucked up

When a Israeli fucks with humanitarian aid it's fucked up.

To pretend burning and looting and destroying aid isn't " actually contributing to the humanitarian crisis beyond terrible PR. "

Come on now.........

Not only that. Israeli soldiers are tipping off the location of these aid deliveries to the settlers.

Not only that. Israeli soldiers are tipping off the location of these aid deliveries to the settlers.

"Settlers" is the accepted term for violent militants who have the blessing of the Israeli government to disrupt, harm and commit atrocities against the Palestinian people.
"Settlers" is the accepted term for violent militants who have the blessing of the Israeli government to disrupt, harm and commit atrocities against the Palestinian people.

Pointing out things Israel is doing wrong makes you a hard right Hamas apologist according to people in this thread.
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Pointing out things Israel is doing wrong makes you a hard right Hama apologist according to people in this thread.

Oh, I know. The great irony is, most people who dislike Israel's actions also dislike Hamas' actions even more. But there are some who only dislike Hamas' actions, and think they're being fair and level-headed and right and just.

Personally, I think it's time to reframe "settlers" as "raiders".

Quite literally what they are.

Raiders vs Terrorists.

All in all, the correct stance is to support whatever demilitarizes both factions.
Even the Liberal bitch Bill Maher made the Donks on "The View" look silly.

Don't start none and there won't be none, he said...

What an idiot.

Like anyone thinks this is 'defending themselves'.

They are simply attacking, attacking, attacking.

They are not defending a thing that cannot already be defended by vastly superior technology and equipment.

Every time they're 'hurt' in the war, it's simply because they're on the all-out offensive.

People see through this bullshit and recognize it for what it is: a series of war crimes perpetuated against a civilian population in the name of bloody revenge.

There is no plan for peace, no plan for tomorrow, no plan for succession, just a series of attacks under the banner of 'but they attacked us first'.

Yeah, they attacked you first. You've had your retribution, you won't even plan for tomorrow, at that point, you're the evil entity.
What an idiot.

Like anyone thinks this is 'defending themselves'.

They are simply attacking, attacking, attacking.

They are not defending a thing that cannot already be defended by vastly superior technology and equipment.

Every time they're 'hurt' in the war, it's simply because they're on the all-out offensive.

People see through this bullshit and recognize it for what it is: a series of war crimes perpetuated against a civilian population in the name of bloody revenge.

You attack me, and I retaliate and attack you. And hopefully, I attack you so badly that you learn your lesson and never attack me again.
You attack me, and I retaliate and attack you. And hopefully, I attack you so badly that you learn your lesson and never attack me again.


I hit you, you hit me back harder, I rethink.

Nothing wrong with that logic.

This is not that.

I hit you, you murder me in retaliation, then kill my family, destroy my house, slaughter my friends, destroy a bunch of innocents that happen to be around at the time, and then pretend your prolonged spree is defence.