International Hamas launches surprise attack on Israel; Israel has declared a state of war. Vol. VII

If, after unilateral withdrawal from gaza, a terror org gets elected to govern, on a platform of killing Jews and eliminating Israel, maybe full autonomy isn’t to be expected? Literally no nation on the planet would allow that.

Even if Hamas is eliminated, it will just be replaced with something similar due to the conditions the Gazans live in. It's inevitable.
Hypocrite is the word. Not dumb. I actually think he's smart enough. He knows what he's doing. The chad thunderclock guy is stupid. Not him. That's worse.

Lol. Shut your retarded bitchass up. Cry me a river to the sea, you little sensitive pussy. So you're calling me stupid because I'm transparent about my anti-terrorism, anti-jihadism views?

I'd rather be honest than a sniveling, deceptive closeted terrorist sympathizer like you.
Hamas and their attacks are a natural consequence of Israel's policies over the decades.
Sure. And Israel's response is a natural consequence to their little rebellion. If you want to play that game, this is how it goes. They took their shot...Israel is taking theirs. Why are you crying about it?
Sure. And Israel's response is a natural consequence to their little rebellion. If you want to play that game, this is how it goes. They took their shot...Israel is taking theirs. Why are you crying about it?

How am I crying? You're just projecting your biases like you usually do - I'm just stating a truth. This will never end.
Even if Hamas is eliminated, it will just be replaced with something similar due to the conditions the Gazans live in. It's inevitable.
Sure, sure, because Gaza is the only place on Earth ever to lose a war to a far more powerful foe.

That's some desperate cope. You don't think that. You "hope" that. History has a LONG list of fuckheads who got smoked for fucking around with the wrong people. And yet, we're all not in chaotic state of constant terrorism by the losers. Hmph, weird.
Sure, sure, because Gaza is the only place on Earth ever to lose a war to a far more powerful foe.

That's some desperate cope. You don't think that. You "hope" that. History has a LONG list of fuckheads who got smoked for fucking around with the wrong people. And yet, we're all not in chaotic state of constant terrorism by the losers. Hmph, weird.

What the hell are you blabbering on about. I never said any of these things you just listed. Senile much?
What the hell are you blabbering on about. I never said any of these things you just listed. Senile much?
That's a pretty pathetic response. You're clearly implying(desperately so) that Israel will only create more Hamas(or similar retards), by annihilating them. Sometimes the losers just lose, bud.
Even if Hamas is eliminated, it will just be replaced with something similar due to the conditions the Gazans live in. It's inevitable.
That’s completely avoiding the point I made…….
That's a pretty pathetic response. You're clearly implying(desperately so) that Israel will only create more Hamas(or similar retards), by annihilating them. Sometimes the losers just lose, bud.
It’s a weak argument I’ve seen here over and over. Eliminating Hamas just creates more and potentially worse Hamas… Yawn. Let them attack with impunity every so often.
It’s a weak argument I’ve seen here over and over. Eliminating Hamas just creates more and potentially worse Hamas… Yawn. Let them attack with impunity every so often.
The Romans should have never gone to war and destroy those barbarian Gauls. It just created more Gauls that rose up and attacked Rome nonstop afterwards...oh' wait.
Even if Hamas is eliminated, it will just be replaced with something similar due to the conditions the Gazans live in. It's inevitable.

It's says a lot about their culture if they're thoroughly consumed by their desire to wage endless wars against their enemies and seek their eradication.

It's a fucking retarded culture. I'm calling a spade a spade here.
That's a pretty pathetic response. You're clearly implying(desperately so) that Israel will only create more Hamas(or similar retards), by annihilating them. Sometimes the losers just lose, bud.

How am I desperately saying anything? I'm stating something obvious.

As long as the people are kept in this condition, more extremism will arise regardless if Hamas or some other body is in power.

What happens if you bomb to death someone's kids, parents, fathers, mothers, etc? Create extremists. You think this generation of kids that survive this are going to grow up and be all kumbaya?

Unless you're talking about annihilating all the people.

It's says a lot about their culture if they're thoroughly consumed by their desire to wage endless wars against their enemies and seek their eradication.

It's a fucking retarded culture. I'm calling a spade a spade here.

That's what happens when you put people on perpetual house arrest for decades, keep them in poverty, limit their electricity, limit their movement and kill family members.

Half the population in Gaza are under 18. They are going to grow up with this ingrained in their memory. Congrats, they just created a whole new generation of extremists.
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How am I desperately saying anything? I'm stating something obvious.
No, you're stating what you hope will happen.
As long as the people are kept in this condition, more extremism will arise regardless if Hamas or some other body is in power.
Or Israel will just take it and not allow terrorists to rule over it. Is that not an option in your mind?
No, you're stating what you hope will happen.

Lol no wtf. Stop projecting your weird bullshit on me.

Why would I want people to suffer in the same circumstances they have been doing for decades. I want people to live in peace and there to be a viable 2 state solution.

Or Israel will just take it and not allow terrorists to rule over it. Is that not an option in your mind?

So the take all the land and all the people dead? Where the hell would the people go?
So the take all the land and all the people dead? Where the hell would the people go?
Do you seriously believe that you have to commit absolute genocide to take people's land? You remove their government and tell the people how it's gonna be going forward. They fall in line, because most people aren't revolutionaries. That's it.
Do you seriously believe that you have to commit absolute genocide to take people's land? You remove their government and tell the people how it's gonna be going forward. They fall in line, because most people aren't revolutionaries. That's it.

Yea but then they'd have to be governed by laws Israel is going to take over rule. But Israel is not in a million years going to give them rights like their citizens.

So they're going to be their rulers? They'll be perpetual prisoners? They're certainly not going to make them citizens.
Yea but then they'd have to be governed by laws Israel is going to take over rule. But Israel is not in a million years going to give them rights like their citizens.
I guess they'll cross that bridge when they get to it. It's not like Israel hates all Palestinians. They let the sane ones work in Israel. There is a reason why Israel is so militant in that region. If they aren't, they get October 7th'd everyday. Now, if they actually control that region, and aren't just constantly defending themselves from a hostile regime that produces nothing but terrorism, that will likely change. It's for the best, actually. A non-neanderthal, non-terrorist regime would be very good for the Palestinians who don't want to be fucking terrorists.
I guess they'll cross that bridge when they get to it. It's not like Israel hates all Palestinians. They let the sane ones work in Israel. There is a reason why Israel is so militant in that region. If they aren't, they get October 7th'd everyday. Now, if they actually control that region, and aren't just constantly defending themselves from a hostile regime that produces nothing but terrorism, that will likely change. It's for the best, actually. A non-neanderthal, non-terrorist regime would be very good for the Palestinians who don't want to be fucking terrorists.

You're basically advocating for a prison.
You're basically advocating for a prison.
Uhh, no. See, when a territory is taken and the people are de-programmed from their prior government's blood thirsty idiocy, growth can occur and fences can be mended.

You're basically saying that Palestinians are incapable of getting their shit together, and will just continue to be radicals once their radical regime is toppled.