GOP Senator questions a Trump US District Judge nominee at confirmation hearing...

I felt embarrassed just listening to it. I'm ignorant of the legal system, but it seems that Hyper-Chicken would be more qualified for the job than this guy.
Are these basic things a lawyer should know?
I am no lawyer but my grandmother loved Matlock, so I have a little experience in Lawyering.
Awful, but I just want to add that many conservatives argued that even an incompetent Trump was preferable over Hillary because he would make conservative judicial appointments. Well, they're conservative but also idiots? Not sure they were arguing that was a good thing!
Are these basic things a lawyer should know?
I am no lawyer but my grandmother loved Matlock, so I have a little experience in Lawyering.

the article i read stated any second year law student would have a good answer regarding the ‘Daubert standard’ (expert testimony) and motion in limine (evidence to be excluded at trial)
Where is Trump even finding these people? Jesus Christ.
It's gotten ridiculous, there are dozens of these .

On this topic alone Trump should have lost the majoriry of his support
That person seems like he just showed up to a job interview with absolutely zero qualifications for the job.
Awful, but I just want to add that many conservatives argued that even an incompetent Trump was preferable over Hillary because he would make conservative judicial appointments. Well, they're conservative but also idiots? Not sure they were arguing that was a good thing!

And by conservatives they meant partisan hacks with zero qualifications.
He's less qualified than the TMZ guy. Fuck's sake.
I get putting incompetent people in places you think should be shut down (DoE, DoEd, HHS w/ benny carson in charge)....

but a judge?

what in the f
Trump only hires the best. The fact that his judicial nominee can't answer basic questions is neither here nor there.


"Oh, I'm not a Judge. But I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night."
this poor guy has gone viral and is getting hammered on twitter and reddit. all of that can mean only one thing...everybody please meet our district court judge.