Generation Z Will Be the Most Conservative Generation in a Century

Lol. The fuck? Hello randomness. Stay on topic son.

You said:

You literally described a modern day leftists. So yes you're clearly confused and apparently drunk from your random response. Or retarded. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

i was pointing out how you throw out the victim card, which is the thing i said in my first post.

i'm sorry you weren't smart enough to put that together by yourself.
i was pointing out how you throw out the victim card, which is the thing i said in my first post.

i'm sorry you weren't smart enough to put that together by yourself.

Sorry I have a hard time understanding when posters like yourself move the goal posts and bring up some random shit that's not even being discussed.

Me: hey Spin, are you confused?

You: yeah well I like my women fat and wearing thongs.

Me: I didn't need to know that but thanks. Now stay the fuck on topic.
Sorry I have a hard time understanding when posters like yourself move the goal posts and bring up some random shit that's not even being discussed.

Me: hey Spin, are you confused?

You: yeah well I like my women fat and wearing thongs.

Me: I didn't need to know that but thanks. Now stay the fuck on topic.

that was retarded.

try again.

oh and admitting your stupidity, isnt a victory for you.
At no point in history has any human civilization been further left ideologically than current America/Western Europe. Communism included. Only by one no longer relevant metric (the command-economy debate) were they comparably left-leaning. Ideologically they were what SJWs would call "chauvinist bigots" (relatively normal and functional).

So this is good news but it's also not really news. We've hit an ideological cul-de-sac where if we drive any further left we crash into immovable laws of reality beyond the jurisdiction of politics (transgender, transracial, universal income, etc.)

Part of it is also the ethnic paradox; Immigrants arrive conservative, their offspring become Democrats in order to weaponize themselves against the dominant majority, but their households remain more conservative.

When the incentive of destroying the dominant majority is removed from the equation (via defeat), the motive to vote liberal disappears. At the same time the young remnants of ousted population fortify to the right out of resentment against their hippie ancestors.
I'm in High School and pretty much everyone I know hates leftists/libtards. I wouldn't label myself a full conservative though.

Only problem I've ever had wearing my bright red MAGA hat to school was a clan hogbeasts around election time calling me a Trump wannabe, idiot, arrogant, nazi and probably other stuff. I responded to the obnoxiously loud obese girl with dreads by saying take it easy Whoopie Goldberg, then for some reason one of the other girls snapped and I said, you to Rosie. End result, with all the names thrown at me, I was the only one who had to spend lunchtime picking up garbage because apparently calling someone Whoopie and Rosie is crossing the line. :(
The backlash is real; Trump has huge support in high schools, they were just too young to vote. Who do you think made all those Pepe memes?
Basement dwelling neck beards. The self righteous moral crusaders of today come off more as people who are jealous that they are not participating than say the evangelicals of the past. They have no real conviction regarding morality, they are just bitter.
Well kids have a way of rebelling against shit when you try to shove it down their throat. And where I live, "progressivism" is a religion pushed constantly by the puritanical left via schools and the media. My son and his buddies (a very ethnically diverse group if I've ever seen one) seem to be pushing back against a lot of that crap. Which is to be sort of expected: conservative is the new counter-culture, for better or worse. That's how it is in my corner of Canada anyway.
When your older siblings, aunts, uncles, and even parents are Social Justice assholes. It's almost a given that the next generation will be like........
can't wait for Gen Z to come in and start kicking ass. My generation has been a complete flop.
The darker america gets the views of the budding conservative gen z wont matter.

I have seen this in texas. texas being very red and still has a kkk.

Places like san antonio are very liberal...and mostly hispanic.

With Hispanics its the reverse...the older generations are very conservative and the younger ones are liberal.
Ah yes.. the COD retards raised on memes...
Generation Z will be the beginning of the end of human civilization.

Basement dwelling neck beards. The self righteous moral crusaders of today come off more as people who are jealous that they are not participating than say the evangelicals of the past. They have no real conviction regarding morality, they are just bitter.

After Reading the responses to this thread (mainly by those on the right) monkeys throwing shit at the zoo comes to mind .
God I hope so. Today's 20 somethings are really doing a number on the civilized world.
Ahh, yes, intellectual gems like fake news, climate science is a conspiracy, financial deregulation won't lead to cyclical recessions, allowing private capital to infiltrate the state won't serve to govern to its own exclusive interests, and that giving more and more money to the rich will at some point return itself to the rest of society despite ample evidence to the contrary.

Say what you will about the modern divides on social issues, but the modern American "conservative ideology" on economics is complete bust when compared against social democratic alternatives of the post-WII era or, hell, even the demand-side neoliberalism of Obama.

Cyclical recessions are good thing and a sign of a healthy market system. Pumping trillions into zombie banks can't last forever.
of course, the natural course of things. The terms conservative and liberal have way different understood meanings than actual traditional meanings if that makes sense. The "conservatives" will over-correct like the "liberals" have and we will have a flip flop again.
After Reading the responses to this thread (mainly by those on the right) monkeys throwing shit at the zoo comes to mind .

I have this video at the Greenville Zoo (I think) when a monkey is non-nonchalantly catching ice cubes people are throwing at it. Really incredible catches will poorly thrown ice cubes. With your reflexes, probably your spirit animal.
Bernie described himself as a "SOCIALIST" democrat. Massive mistake in my opinion.

I have no idea why on earth he did that. What he was advocating for was a basic coverage of health care for the citizens of the US. And surprisingly he wasn't much of the mark of Steven Bannon, Richard Spencer and even Donald trumps original promises.

If all you right wing ding dongs want to be "nationalists", I think you should put some effort into it.
What's practice conservative ideology? I haven't heard of that branch/philosophy of conservatism.

You have to make pretend to care about things like immigration, but really you're a no skill whinging baby cunt.
I don't care if they are liberal or conservative on social issues. I'd like them to believe in science and be environmentalists.

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