Generation Z Will Be the Most Conservative Generation in a Century

The US and rest of the western world have long been mixed-economy models.


It's another reason "Marxists" in 2017 are just thinly veiled racial

You're silly.

Race is a much more prominent consideration in 2017 Marxism than in 1915 Marxism. That is true.
1) Only one of your sources, the telegraph, can even be classified as a newspaper. The other two, the Daily Mail and the NY Post are right leaning Tabloids.
2) the Telegraph article is about the UK, where being a conservative means something totally different than it does in the US, and your last article implies they are socially "liberal-moderate" so.....
3) You're talking about a generation that's 17 at most, hardly the age where all your convictions are set in stone.
4) Just anecdotally from working with kids during the course of my job:

Like I said, you're an idiot. It is no surprise you believe in a hilariously uninformed free/planned dichotomy, or that it is the conduct of the federal reserve (which did not exist during early American economic crises and did not operate in any hugely impactful way until after the Great Depression, which curiously coincided with America turning into the world's preeminent super power) that causes cyclical recessions and now the conduct and influence of private actors. But, please, do recite for us how reduction of the most complex market system in the history of the known universe can be idealized by returning to the unadulterated lemonade stand of market wisdom.

Also, lololol @ "learn some economics." That continues the all-time record of that phrase never being used by anyone other than economic illiterates in a hissy. I'm going to guess that you come from the newly created Neo-Rick Perryan School of Economic Thought.

I actually insulted you and said to learn some economics because I was interested to see if you had any idea what you're talking about. Sort of baiting you into making a non shitty post. Unfortunately you once again make a shit post. Everything you write is basic and eye roll worthy.

A world without central banks has problems. A world with the central banks we have currently has more problems. They've over stepped their mandate and are directly causing wild speculation in the market. I know you don't know what that means because you're a retard and next you'll come back with some bullshit about 1908 and how we can't possibly survive without giving Trillions and zero percent interest loans to the richest in the world while simultaneously ranting about how evil the 1% is.
I actually insulted you and said to learn some economics because I was interested to see if you had any idea what you're talking about. Sort of baiting you into making a non shitty post. Unfortunately you once again make a shit post. Everything you write is basic and eye roll worthy.

A world without central banks has problems. A world with the central banks we have currently has more problems. They've over stepped their mandate and are directly causing wild speculation in the market. I know you don't know what that means because you're a retard and next you'll come back with some bullshit about 1908 and how we can't possibly survive without giving Trillions and zero percent interest loans to the richest in the world while simultaneously ranting about how evil the 1% is.

You honestly think there would be less speculation without central banks?
You honestly think there would be less speculation without central banks?

Why would their not? Right now they can get money cheaper than anytime in history and if they fail they can get bailed out. If the risks pay off, they get rich. If they don't, they get rich. To big to fail = we speculated massively and it didn't work, give us money so we can do it again. Their is far more debt in the world than in 08. Everything has gotten bigger and more leveraged. I'll be shocked if doesn't pop in a major way fairly soon.

It's not just the Fed either. They all talk to each other. They all debase the currency together. It's one reason I'm not sure if the dollar will break compared to other currencies like a lot of conspiracy theorist types say. How can it collapses if every major currency is debased along with it? It's why I'm saving cash now. Once qe4 is called up I'm buying silver. If we act responsibly and let shit fail, well, then it'll be good to have cash and I'll wait til silver falls.
Why would their not? Right now they can get money cheaper than anytime in history and if they fail they can get bailed out. If the risks pay off, they get rich. If they don't, they get rich. To big to fail = we speculated massively and it didn't work, give us money so we can do it again. Their is far more debt in the world than in 08. Everything has gotten bigger and more leveraged. I'll be shocked if doesn't pop in a major way fairly soon.

It's not just the Fed either. They all talk to each other. They all debase the currency together. It's one reason I'm not sure if the dollar will break compared to other currencies like a lot of conspiracy theorist types say. How can it collapses if every major currency is debased along with it? It's why I'm saving cash now. Once qe4 is called up I'm buying silver. If we act responsibly and let shit fail, well, then it'll be good to have cash and I'll wait til silver falls.

What do you think a central bank actually does?
They keep a currency stable while trying to minimize inflation and keeping employment high.

Well that's the claim. Instead they are trying to prevent recessions. To prop up their friends on Wallstreet. They gave trillions to private banks. Increased the money supply massively which imo explains the bull market of the last 8 years in stocks. Low interest rates and the artificial ocean of liquidity.

And hey, if I'm wrong, I'll lose money. So at least everyone on sherdog can take relief in that. Thunderflash going broke.
Well that's the claim. Instead they are trying to prevent recessions. To prop up their friends on Wallstreet. They gave trillions to private banks. Increased the money supply massively which imo explains the bull market of the last 8 years in stocks. Low interest rates and the artificial ocean of liquidity.

And hey, if I'm wrong, I'll lose money. So at least everyone on sherdog can take relief in that. Thunderflash going broke.

In America you mean, every country its different and your claim is that everything would be better without them.

You cant have a freely traded fiat currency without a central bank.
In America you mean, every country its different and your claim is that everything would be better without them.

You cant have a freely traded fiat currency without a central bank.

If they stick to their mandate I'm ok with them. Not all central banks are created equally. Balance usually is the better option. But they've been used in ways they were never meant to be used. And I think it will lead to devastating effects. So yes I'm mainly talking about the American central bank, but it's certainly not only America's contributing to the madness.

Janet Yellen recently said she doesn't see a financial crisis happening again in our lifetimes. Let's see who knows better, the head of the Fed or Thunderflash
I think we need threads for the actual political spectrum and separate threads for the US spectrum. They are quite different.
Being a euro right wing voter is nowhere near the retards in the US.
If they stick to their mandate I'm ok with them. Not all central banks are created equally. Balance usually is the better option. But they've been used in ways they were never meant to be used. And I think it will lead to devastating effects. So yes I'm mainly talking about the American central bank, but it's certainly not only America's contributing to the madness.

Janet Yellen recently said she doesn't see a financial crisis happening again in our lifetimes. Let's see who knows better, the head of the Fed or Thunderflash

Never said they are flawless, just that the crisis levels we would see without them are nothing compared to the ones we see with them.
A graph comparing current age brackets is going to look very different from one comparing the political beliefs of each generation when they were in the same bracket.

Tendencies toward socialism universally declines with age/wealth accumulation. Many of those 60 y/o capitalists were part of the massive spike in socialist sympathies during the peak of Soviet psy ops campaigns, but as you can see the effect wasn't entirely permanent.

I don't put too much weight into any of these though because "socialism" is such a mottled term in America.

I'd like to see what "massive spike in socialist sympathies during the peak of the Soviet psy ops campaigns" looked like.

During the Cold War, "socialist" meant "like the Soviet Union and Maoist China" which I don't think had very many adherents at all in the US. So I really don't think those 60+ year olds were down with that when they were younger.

Nowadays, socialist means "like Western Europe, especially the Scandinavian countries."

So maybe the specifics have changed but the overall notion is still the same: more left-leaning, less accumulation of wealth, more collective say in government. And there's no doubt that younger people appreciate that more.
But they've been used in ways they were never meant to be used

They were and they still are.

"In 1970, the federal government authorized Fannie Mae to purchase private mortgages—that is, those not insured by the FHA, VA, or FmHA, and created Freddie Mac to perform a role similar to that of Fannie Mae.
In 1971, Freddie Mac issued its first mortgage pass-through, called a participation certificate, composed primarily of private mortgages.
In 1984 the government passed the Secondary Mortgage Market Enhancement Act to improve the marketability of private label pass-throughs, which declared nationally recognized statistical rating organization AA-rated mortgage-backed securities to be legal investments equivalent to Treasury securities and other federal government bonds for federally charted banks (such as federal savings banks and federal savings associations), state-chartered financial institutions (such as depository banks and insurance companies) unless overridden by state law before October 1991 (which 21 states did), and Department of Labor–regulated pension funds."

And I think it will lead to devastating effects.

It has, and it will again.

"Low-quality mortgage-backed securities backed by subprime mortgages in the United States caused a crisis that played a major role in the 2007–12 global financial crisis."

Janet Yellen recently said she doesn't see a financial crisis happening again in our lifetimes. Let's see who knows better, the head of the Fed or Thunderflash

Well everyone did such a good job of seeing the 2008 crisis coming right?