GamerGate News & Discussion v5: Inhaling Toxic Masculinity Edition

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Kluwe should take his own advice:


Chris Kluwe and Mercedes Carrera debated on the Pakman show. This may sound weird, but I almost always go into these interviews rooting for Chris. I see the echo chamber going on on their side and I worry frequently that I may be experiencing the same thing; I imagine that maybe I can't see GG for what it is and am legitimately supporting what everyone else can clearly see is a hate group. I really loathe groupthink and don't ever want to be a part of it.

But then within five minutes, Kluwe is a raging asshole and my fears are allayed. There were a few times I thought he started to make a good point that contradicted what I thought I knew, but then he'd say something so smug and pseudo-intellectual that my ears would shut off.

Mercedes is classier than 99% of people, male or female and--though I can tell she gets frustrated and isn't a seasoned debater--exhibits impressive self control and logic. She's really made me abandon my prejudices against pornstars. What a fascinating woman.

Agree on all accounts... I tried to watch it with an open mind, but man, Chris is absolutely an A-grade douche...

Mercedes on the other hand was pure class, very well spoken too.
Agree on all accounts... I tried to watch it with an open mind, but man, Chris is absolutely an A-grade douche...

Mercedes on the other hand was pure class, very well spoken too.

He's also got a punchable face
Chris Kluwe and Mercedes Carrera debated on the Pakman show. This may sound weird, but I almost always go into these interviews rooting for Chris. I see the echo chamber going on on their side and I worry frequently that I may be experiencing the same thing; I imagine that maybe I can't see GG for what it is and am legitimately supporting what everyone else can clearly see is a hate group. I really loathe groupthink and don't ever want to be a part of it.

But then within five minutes, Kluwe is a raging asshole and my fears are allayed. There were a few times I thought he started to make a good point that contradicted what I thought I knew, but then he'd say something so smug and pseudo-intellectual that my ears would shut off.

Mercedes is classier than 99% of people, male or female and--though I can tell she gets frustrated and isn't a seasoned debater--exhibits impressive self control and logic. She's really made me abandon my prejudices against pornstars. What a fascinating woman.

What a joy Kluwe must have been in the Vikings locker room. They probably saved his life by cutting him.
Ed the Sock gives his thoughts on Joss Whedon:

Inspired by the courage of Whedon, village idiot Arthur Chu is going to leave Twitter as well.— and_im_leaving_too/

Among all the other great things Joss Whedon has done for me over the years, he did me a great favor this week–he gave me an excuse to walk away from Twitter. Like ironic Buffy Speak or modernized Shakespeare or feminism, it can be yet another thing I do because Joss made it cool.

I don't think I can live without tweets from Whedon and Chu. Somebody end my life please.
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Is lookism another pseudo-scientific phrase they created so they could spout official sounding, yet meaningless words in order to make themselves sound smart?
That shit is not even true.

I don't play WoW, but my friend told me a lot of guys make female characters because they know they'll get free shit from other players.
That shit is not even true.

The study is probably true, but the writer doesn't know what she's talking about.

There's extensive documentation that women get more help than men. Like, it's been the psychological understanding of intergender prosocial behavior for decades. Men help people more than women and when men help people it's more frequently women they help than other men. There is some weight to the idea that unattractive women get helped less; an unattractive woman is like a poor man -- no one gives a shit about you and you're probably going to end up in prison.

So if the findings found that people were deliberately not helping women once they found out their gender, it's more likely (and this is why journalists are supposed to do research) that they weren't being helpful IN RESPONSE to the fact they know they're supposed to help women. It's a version of a concept called stereotype threat. It's like the idea of a black person sitting at a restaurant full of white people, and ordering anything but chicken. The takeaway isn't "omg, black people don't even like chicken." It's that no one wants to seem like a stereotype. In this case, the stereotype is the internet white knight.
I don't play WoW, but my friend told me a lot of guys make female characters because they know they'll get free shit from other players.

Weird because everytime I have played an MMO I just assumed most of the female characters were played by dudes. I had a female character, and I don't remember anything being different
Weird because everytime I have played an MMO I just assumed most of the female characters were played by dudes. I had a female character, and I don't remember anything being different

Maybe because you didn't pretend to be a girl-gamer playing said female characters? I would hop on my ex's Belf Hunter from time to time and, even though my ex had only leveled the character up to 7 or so before losing interest, whenever I'd get on that toon I'd have people from her guild asking if I needed any help with quests or gold or stuff like that. It was really creepy.
Maybe because you didn't pretend to be a girl-gamer playing said female characters? I would hop on my ex's Belf Hunter from time to time and, even though my ex had only leveled the character up to 7 or so before losing interest, whenever I'd get on that toon I'd have people from her guild asking if I needed any help with quests or gold or stuff like that. It was really creepy.

but that article isn't talking about girl gamers. it's talking about girl characters.
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