GamerGate News & Discussion v5: Inhaling Toxic Masculinity Edition

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A common theme among people like Shanley and Randi is that they create a hostile environment, then blame it on sexism.
Lol from the reddit thread

"How this Randi person uses exclusively square-root idealized drawings of 'herself' is straight up weird. How transparent can narcissism get without the narcissist noticing?"

yeah, he covering #gamergate again....after pulling a switcharoo with Vox Day AND Christine Hoff Sommers (ie tagging #gamergate and turned out to be character assassination at best), while also interviewed Chris Kluwe as well.
Apparently CHS and Milo are organising a GG meet up and Arthur Chu and his followers are calling the restaurant/venue to complain lol
look, i am an old man. what the fuck is this gamer gate shit

but more importantly what the fuck happened to and what is a suitable replacement.

every since ninjagirlrachel disappeared my interest in video games has gone to shit
look, i am an old man. what the fuck is this gamer gate shit

but more importantly what the fuck happened to and what is a suitable replacement.

every since ninjagirlrachel disappeared my interest in video games has gone to shit

This is a great post. I've never heard of ninjagirlrachel, but I'm going to search for pics of her on the internet.
It seems really likely it was just a third party troll tbh.
The point is the threat was no more or less serious than the one against Sarkeesian's event. So it damages the narrative of women's lives being under threat from evil GG misogynerds. No one fucking knows who's sending these horrible threats but what evidence there is suggests it's 3rd party trolls.
Lol...Joss Whedon quit Twitter because supposedly trolls were tweeting mean things at him about the Avengers movie and Black Widow's representation.

I think it's actually a great move because Twitter is a cesspool and no one should have to put up with all that. But the dude is such a whiny, feeble, privileged hypocrite. He "stands by" all the women that get abused on Twitter all the time, but crumbles once the spotlight turns to him. Additionally, he basically is okay with (or not fully against) murdering people for drawing offensive cartoons, but he himself can't even take some rude, blockable comments, much less a bullet. Most deliciously, the people that abuse him over the portrayal of Black Widow are the same people against GamerGate, a movement he has likened to the KKK.

I'm still gonna see him movies and shit, but he is, as a man, contemptible.

Don't know how to embed tweets, but here's Joshathan McInjosh throwing FemFreq's boy Whedon under the patriarchy bus.
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Most deliciously, the people that abuse him over the portrayal of Black Widow are the same people against GamerGate, a movement he has likened to the KKK.

At least they are being consistent and not giving him a crazy-pass just because he pandered to them.
Lol...Joss Whedon quit Twitter because supposedly trolls were tweeting mean things at him about the Avengers movie and Black Widow's representation.

I think it's actually a great move because Twitter is a cesspool and no one should have to put up with all that. But the dude is such a whiny, feeble, privileged hypocrite. He "stands by" all the women that get abused on Twitter all the time, but crumbles once the spotlight turns to him. Additionally, he basically is okay with (or not fully against) murdering people for drawing offensive cartoons, but he himself can't even take some rude, blockable comments, much less a bullet. Most deliciously, the people that abuse him over the portrayal of Black Widow are the same people against GamerGate, a movement he has likened to the KKK.

I'm still gonna see him movies and shit, but he is, as a man, contemptible.

Don't know how to embed tweets, but here's Joshathan McInjosh throwing FemFreq's boy Whedon under the patriarchy bus.

Fully agreed.
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