Game of Thrones S07E04 Discussion Thread: That's So (Three Eyed) Raven Edition (No Spoilers/Leaks)

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Are you saying the Dragons would simply eat an arrow shot at them by a Giant?

If so, I doubt that. The size and force of those arrows easily looked comparable to the cross bow bolts Bronn was firing from Qyburn's machine.
No, I mean the giant arrow would pierce the dragon and fuck him up.
I wanna start calling Jamie Lannister Goldfinger but I don't feel like ppl will get it cause ppl don't watch old Bond movies.
I wanna start calling Jamie Lannister Goldfinger but I don't feel like ppl will get it cause ppl don't watch old Bond movies.
I think you are wrong and if they don't get it's their problem lol
Wow, had no idea that the actor who played the Night King (the better one) in seasons 4 & 5, is also the same actor who played Joe Chill & killed Bruce Wayne's parents in Batman Begins.



This guy is responsible for motivating some major heroes, BJ Penn style, & putting that Chuck Liddell look in their eye
Wow, had no idea that the same actor who played the Night King (the better one) in seasons 4 & 5, is also the same actor who played Joe Chill & killed Bruce Wayne's parents in Batman Begins.



This guy is responsible for motivating some major heroes, BJ Penn style, & putting that Chuck Liddell look in their eye
the type of guy who has had some pivotal roles but is likely never recognized in public ever for his work.

the type of guy who has had some pivotal roles but is likely never recognized in public ever for his work.
Whoever played the Night King would never really get public recognition cause of all the makeup.
What a disappointing movie.
They should have kept Osha around. Her death was lame.
Martin said he liked the actress so much he was considering writing a bigger role for her in the books a few years back. I wouldn't be surprised if they just bumped her off earlier than they planned as an f u to him for not finishing the books and making them come up with all the dialogue.
Jon should have taken Lyanna Mormont with him and Davos to Dragonstone.
Jon should have taken Lyanna Mormont with him and Davos to Dragonstone.
Dany probably would have had an aneurysm trying to deal with Lyanna Mormont after telling Jon Snow to bend the knee.
Anyone know the name of the actress that played the hot Wildling at Hardhome? The one that was in one episode only before she was turned into a Wight.
I'm finding it hard to come up with informed thread names without getting some sort of mini spoiler about the episodes content. *Sigh*
Wonder if Mel told Dany she got plowed by Stannis on that map table a couple years ago.

"Yeah, so... that dude that was brother to the man that killed your brother and started a war that killed your dad and forced you to run and tried to assassinate you as a baby... I got bent over this table and fucked by him before we tried to invade King's Landing."

Feel like that might be because of technical reasons. Isn't the full horde several hundred thousand? Why spend CGI money on that just to see them milling around on Dragonstone when you need the cash for dragon/army vs army shit on big open fields and CGI money for the thousands of wights in the Night King's army.
Stannis the mannis!! Miss Stannis. He did his duty to the red witch.
Wow, had no idea that the same actor who played the Night King (the better one) in seasons 4 & 5, is also the same actor who played Joe Chill & killed Bruce Wayne's parents in Batman Begins.



This guy is responsible for motivating some major heroes, BJ Penn style, & putting that Chuck Liddell look in their eye
Still think he had a better look than the current NK.

Edit: wait did I get that right?
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