Former Trump Aid on why Ivanka is around - "lol i dunno"

Holy shit. I'm starting to feel sorry for you. If you think I'm going to 1. explain what contextual targeting, placement targeting, language targeting, paid ads stack ranking are for you and 2. why those items are not mutually exclusive and, in fact, are extremely powerful in tandem with stack ranking as a group, then you're stupider than you present yourself on this board (that seems unlikely, as your IQ probably is in the 70's). So I'll give you a hint to, instead of using yahoo, go to and enter the terms I put out for you. If you're smart enough to digest that information then you can come back here and apologize for wasting a superior being's time. A large part of my work is teaching people that are actually competent how to use this tech. You're not competent enough to get a job cleaning the bathrooms where I work, much less understanding what you're arguing.

Finally, you're probably not aware, but you're essentially arguing that (because contextual targeting exists, not that you understand it) that their rankings (derived from algorithms) don't prioritize huffpo, for example. Since you are a jobless inbred, I'll point out that this would be extremely foolish on their part since oath < verizon < aol < huffpo.

In summary, the next time you want to make a statement pretending you don't make (at most) minimum wage, if you even do have a job- then AGREE with the person that's smarter than you and has already forgotten more than you'll ever be able to understand about the topic at hand. That way your desperate attempts to pretend you're not a worthless parasite on society will come off a little less pathetic.

To your "points"- none of this is about a CT, it's about a conglomerate making smart financial decisions. And yes, if you click brietbart all day then you will be more likely to see breitbart. I know you don't understand this, but verizon/oath is a business. It doesn't put it's competitors first by default. That was about .0001% of the context of what me and the other adult were discussing.

Go cry or die or something. The world won't lose anything.

Glad you took the time to do some research and found out that "getting your news from Yahoo" is a completely empty criticism. Next time, maybe you should try to address an OP's content rather than just trying to dis his sources. That approach comes off very "teen girl".

(Note: If you are, in fact, a teen girl, I apologize.)