Law Florida - Senate passes Republican sponsored Bill to outlaw lab-grown meat. DeSantis supports ban


Plutonium Belt
Apr 9, 2007
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- Florida Senate passed a Bill that would ban the sale, manufacture and distribution of lab-crown (aka cultivated ) meat
- Gov. DeSantis supports the ban
- The Florida Cattleman's Association supports the ban


It's sort of ironic that Florida — a state that really prides itself on individual liberty — is considering a law that will actually just restrict consumers from having a choice of what they want to buy,” said Rossmeissl, Eat Just’s marketing head. “The consumer should be able to decide.”


TALLAHASSEE — Gov. Ron DeSantis has thrown his weight behind legislation to ban what he and Republican colleagues are calling “fake meat” – beef, chicken, pork and seafood grown from animal cells cultivated in a lab.

You need meat, OK? We are going to have meat in Florida,” DeSantis said at a recent news conference while blasting corporations for forcing “woke” ideology on consumers. “You can’t have fake meat. It doesn’t work.”

But lab-cultivated meat isn’t grown, researched or sold in Florida, and it isn’t fake. The federal government has approved it for sale after years of testing but has licensed just two companies to sell it so far


I thought Republicans supported small government and individual liberties. Unless it is unsafe and the FDA has an issue with it how can this be legal, to ban a product?

Sounds a lot like special interest (Meat and Ranching industry) influenced the Republicans. Also seems like this is another Republican pet-peeve in the ongoing anti 'woke' culture wars, because the populist right believes we are all being coerced to accept synthetic meat since raising cattle exacerbates climate change.

People should have a choice (assuming it's safe). No one is forced to eat synthetic meat but by banning it people are being forced to not have a choice.
I bet if you take the time to look at DeSantis biggest donors, a couple of them probably raise cattle. Most of the shit Desantis does, hooks up donors.
DeSantis took 3.9 million from Big Insurance and then passed a law hooking them up and most Floridians Home owners insurance have doubled since he has been in office.
- Florida Senate passed a Bill that would ban the sale, manufacture and distribution of lab-crown (aka cultivated ) meat
- Gov. DeSantis supports the ban
- The Florida Cattleman's Association supports the ban


It's sort of ironic that Florida — a state that really prides itself on individual liberty — is considering a law that will actually just restrict consumers from having a choice of what they want to buy,” said Rossmeissl, Eat Just’s marketing head. “The consumer should be able to decide.”


TALLAHASSEE — Gov. Ron DeSantis has thrown his weight behind legislation to ban what he and Republican colleagues are calling “fake meat” – beef, chicken, pork and seafood grown from animal cells cultivated in a lab.

You need meat, OK? We are going to have meat in Florida,” DeSantis said at a recent news conference while blasting corporations for forcing “woke” ideology on consumers. “You can’t have fake meat. It doesn’t work.”

But lab-cultivated meat isn’t grown, researched or sold in Florida, and it isn’t fake. The federal government has approved it for sale after years of testing but has licensed just two companies to sell it so far


I thought Republicans supported small government and individual liberties. Unless it is unsafe and the FDA has an issue with it how can this be legal, to ban a product?

Sounds a lot like special interest (Meat and Ranching industry) influenced the Republicans. Also seems like this is another Republican pet-peeve in the ongoing anti 'woke' culture wars, because the populist right believes we are all being coerced to accept synthetic meat since raising cattle exacerbates climate change.

People should have a choice (assuming it's safe). No one is forced to eat synthetic meat but by banning it people are being forced to not have a choice.
I'm sure you care deeply about this.
another angry leftist thread just because a republican didn't let globalists shit all over them.
Is that how the globalists win, is synthetic meat?
Do you know any dangers of synthetic meat or just because you dont like it, means nobody else can have it?
As long as no dangers in a capitalist society the market should determine if it is warranted. Capitalism is the ultimate democracy because you vote with your dollars.
It seems to me banning it is a fucking waste of time, or something they would do in a Nanny state or to protect a big donor.

I will gladly wait for the Good or conspiracy posse tell me what are the dangers in this type of product or they just blindly commenting great because a guy they liked passed the law.
Party of small government.

...until commies and globalists try sneaking their shit under the radar.

the fake meat industry is pushed by bill gates and his climate hoaxing, world economic forum, you'll own nothing and be happy globalist friends. fuck'em.

in a sane world, banning fake meat is iron-fisted but we don't live in a sane world anymore.
I thought Republicans supported small government and individual liberties. Unless it is unsafe and the FDA has an issue with it how can this be legal, to ban a product?

There's been no long-term studies into the benefits/hazards of lab-grown meat.

And has anyone asked the question 'lab-grown from what?'
...until commies and globalists try sneaking their shit under the radar.

the fake meat industry is pushed by bill gates and his climate hoaxing, world economic forum, you'll own nothing and be happy globalist friends. fuck'em.

in a sane world, banning fake meat is iron-fisted but we don't live in a sane world anymore.
If anything there should be laws to prevent Epstein's best bud from owning as much farm land as he does.
Is that how the globalists win, is synthetic meat?
Do you know any dangers of synthetic meat or just because you dont like it, means nobody else can have it?
As long as no dangers in a capitalist society the market should determine if it is warranted. Capitalism is the ultimate democracy because you vote with your dollars.
It seems to me banning it is a fucking waste of time, or something they would do in a Nanny state or to protect a big donor.

I will gladly wait for the Good or conspiracy posse tell me what are the dangers in this type of product or they just blindly commenting great because a guy they liked passed the law.

buying up all the farmland, ruthlessly sabotaging the energy sector, and messing with food processing plants and farmers all over europe and north america with climate policies so they can sell shit like this among many other things "for the good of the planet!" under their new utopia can go fuck themselves.

i think fake meat if done properly can be useful and shouldn't be banned, but knowing the above maybe it should....
Is that how the globalists win, is synthetic meat?
Do you know any dangers of synthetic meat or just because you dont like it, means nobody else can have it?
As long as no dangers in a capitalist society the market should determine if it is warranted. Capitalism is the ultimate democracy because you vote with your dollars.
It seems to me banning it is a fucking waste of time, or something they would do in a Nanny state or to protect a big donor.

I will gladly wait for the Good or conspiracy posse tell me what are the dangers in this type of product or they just blindly commenting great because a guy they liked passed the law.
The left has an obvious beef with the agriculture industry and farmers, as evidenced by their actions in multiple countries.

Voting with your dollar won’t work when they slowly erode away other options/make raising actual meat not worth the time and money.
Why not? Whats the need for it? Why do we want this? I'll eat cows and chickens like people have done for eons.

If it's the same thing as meat, there are probably a lot of really good reasons to eat it.

Just the undeniable cruelty of factory farming, for starters.

Personally I have no idea if it's as good as meat but I was curious if you had an actual good reason to dismiss it.