Media First look at Sterling and Holloway new physique, Aljo looks BIG, Max the same

Honestly, they should have also done back shots if we really want to have good comparisons. And side shots, too, while they're at it.

Anyway, no drastic change, but they look good, healthy and fit and a bit heavier.
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Whelp, I'm regretting taking Max a bit more now. He's still a good bet for +190, but coming up with no extra mass doesn't help him in any way.
Max is one of the largest weight cutters in the entire UFC, let alone FW, so the extra 10lbs is just a courtesy to him at this point.
Max's face looks way better. Body looks very similar.
Very apparent itt that a lot of people are clueless as to exactly what 10 pounds of lean muscle looks like and how difficult it is to put that much mass on in a short time, let alone in a few months while being subject to random drug testing.

10 pounds of muscle is a LOT of fucking muscle. Really pushing the border of impossible to put on in a year, let alone 6 months.

If you are under the impression that athletes can just put on 10 pounds of pure 100% muscle in a few months, and do so while training cardio and without putting on any fat, and do so while taking drug tests, even bs half ass drug tests, PM me about a sweet deal on oceanfront property in Kansas. This deal won't last!
Ok so they have a bit more fat, is that it? Am I blind or am I supposed to use some special x ray vision to see that they have gained a lot of mass that isn't water/fat?
Aljo added some love handles but his wings popped . Max just looks 10 pounds heavier but spread l equally so ita tough to see. I actually think Max transistiim better physique wise.. aljo looks like he will be a little slower but maybe stronger Max won't change anything.

Stronger can help with the takedowns, though his striking revolved entirely around being longer than his opponents, so that has to be worrying him.
Max looks virtually the same because a few months of weight training while also being in fight camp is not a suitable amount of time to gain functional muscle mass. He will have a much easier water cut which will provide some benefit, but he will be cartoonishly under-powered in there.

Sterling looks the same as he always does, absolutely jacked. A little higher body fat here, look at this hips and less definition in his abs. He too will have an easier weight cut, but I don't think he'll be out gunned.
Aljo looks shorter

And fatter. I don't see a big difference other than he is not shredded to the bones.
wow. I knew Aljo was going to look bigger but I did not expect that. bet the house on Aljo.