Fastest boxer of all time? Who is it?

I'd say Camacho but Meldrick Taylor belongs in the discussion.
Roy Jones Jr.

His outlandish style would have never worked if he wasn't.
I'd say Camacho but Meldrick Taylor belongs in the discussion.
meldrick taylor is up there but he threw like pacquiao, really short punches or rather, shortened punches because he didn't throw them quite as short as Pac. I think he was timed on some show and he threw like four I a second or that could be Tyson i'm thinking of. Howard Davis was fast as hell, into his fifties, I have vid in my youtube faves where he throws, what was it? 30 punches in three seconds or something. He wasn't throwing really extended punches, which a lot of faster fighters do to cheat and make them seem faster. Combination punching is a different kind of speed because it requires coordination so, cus D'Amato mentioned how sugar ray leonard and tommy hearns were both fast but that tommy was missing something with his combination punching, it was true. good combos should have a real rhythm to them, like some drum fills, not everyone has the gift to do it so when it comes to combo punching some guys are better than others with similar speed. ali in the 60's could really throw combos and flurries, which i should also mention, takes better stamina. Lots of good fighters start loading up because they don't like the exertion of throwing combos, Tyson was one.
I'd say Camacho but Meldrick Taylor belongs in the discussion.
came in here to say Taylor.
Leonard had some insane hand speed as well.
meldrick taylor is up there but he threw like pacquiao, really short punches or rather, shortened punches because he didn't throw them quite as short as Pac.
he id i think most speedsters mix in some short punches or throw away punches "shoe shining" etc.. but Taylor had some great skills just go rematch a couple rounds of him vs Chavez, Taylor throws every punch in the book.
came in here to say Taylor.
Leonard had some insane hand speed as well.

he id i think most speedsters mix in some short punches or throw away punches "shoe shining" etc.. but Taylor had some great skills just go rematch a couple rounds of him vs Chavez, Taylor throws every punch in the book.
watch some early macho, he threw with great form, no shoeshines, good combos and at one point his defense was equally as good and fast, great reflexes, he didn't take a lot of stupid punches which a lot of boxers do, faster boxers sometimes get into such a rhythm that they stop paying attention to what's coming back at them, pacquiao was careless, tommy hearns took some amateurish punches while he was so concentrated on looking fast and powerful, howard davis threw punches out the window (chuvalo's description of wasting punches) when Edwin Rosario caught him with two knockdowns without which, he would have easily beaten him.
I need to watch more Commacho, but from what i have seen i am more impressed with Taylor. Taylor didn't exactly get caught with stupid punches either the guys who were cracking him were great boxers (Chavez, Norris). His fight with McGirt his speed was insane and he was all over him for the whole fight.
faster boxers sometimes get into such a rhythm that they stop paying attention to what's coming back at them, pacquiao was careless, tommy hearns took some amateurish punches while he was so concentrated on looking fast and powerful,
I have heard this, its also a problem with being too aggressive Pryor got caught and dropped several times from being too aggressive.
Meldrick Taylor deserves to be in the discussion, Shane back in the day was obscenely fast and Zab looks like he's got Godspeed in at least the first 4 rounds of all of his fights. As far as single punch speed goes though I don't think anybody beats Rigondeaux, he's the only fighter who I've seen consistently land counters before his opponent even passes the 50% extension mark on their punch. His amateur days are especially insane, he's outboxing guys for sure but a lot of them were just getting blown out by 3-4 overhand lefts in a row because they were hopelessly unequipped to deal with the near telepathic speed.
You guys are clearly ignoring the lighter weights. Someone needs to clarify p4p or not and if it's literally speed drop a few pounds and fire at will.
I need to watch more Commacho, but from what i have seen i am more impressed with Taylor. Taylor didn't exactly get caught with stupid punches either the guys who were cracking him were great boxers (Chavez, Norris). His fight with McGirt his speed was insane and he was all over him for the whole fight.

I have heard this, its also a problem with being too aggressive Pryor got caught and dropped several times from being too aggressive.
meldrick was a perfect example of what i'm talking about, he had a sluggers mentality without a sluggers punch, huge heart, loved to brawl but couldn't hit, he also fought in philly gym wars from what I hear, it all left him shot after the Chavez fight, he still had the balls to fight bigger men who beat the daylights out of him, these days he can hardly talk.
meldrick was a perfect example of what i'm talking about, he had a sluggers mentality without a sluggers punch, huge heart, loved to brawl but couldn't hit, he also fought in philly gym wars from what I hear, it all left him shot after the Chavez fight, he still had the balls to fight bigger men who beat the daylights out of him, these days he can hardly talk.
well he is a typical philly fighter, form what i understand the mentality is the stand in front of you and make you miss while smacking the shit out of you type of style. Taylor was quite good at that, like you said though it has taken a toll. Also once again i wouldn't say he is a slugger mentality its an aggressive mentality, i thought slugger was trade big blow take a big blow and give one back it implies less craft.
well he is a typical philly fighter, form what i understand the mentality is the stand in front of you and make you miss while smacking the shit out of you type of style. Taylor was quite good at that, like you said though it has taken a toll. Also once again i wouldn't say he is a slugger mentality its an aggressive mentality, i thought slugger was trade big blow take a big blow and give one back it implies less craft.
he didn't make guys miss enough, he loved to brawl, just loved it, even in the second Chavez fight when Chavez was beating him soundly, he raised his hand up like he was thrilled to be there, just a warrior, now he's one of the worse off of the elite fighters as far as his brain. with his speed, he could have done more boxing against Chavez took less punishment and won but he'd rather just brawl it out.
are you talking about straweights, not many stars in those divisions, of course they are fast, tapia was damn fast, I gotta admit though that the sub 118 pounders have never really been on the radar.
I was thinking strawweight to light flyweight, definitely has a name I'd throw out there. Those are the weights I know least about but from what I've seen of finito he looked exceptionally quick and crisp in his technique.
Meldrick Taylor deserves to be in the discussion, Shane back in the day was obscenely fast and Zab looks like he's got Godspeed in at least the first 4 rounds of all of his fights. .
yea shares first fight with Delahoya is cray it looks like it is in fast forward.
Zab is good too his punch speed can be incredible even in fights where he is causing he can come out and smack somebody with a viper like strike (Mambuza sp?)
You guys are clearly ignoring the lighter weights. Someone needs to clarify p4p or not and if it's literally speed drop a few pounds and fire at will.
Yaegashi is a recent guy who was blindingly fast at the lighter weights. Kosei tanaka is pretty fast as well. Jung Koo Chang wasn't fast overall but when he got going he was like a hurricane (albeit like the Tasmanian devil)
did anyone do it like Tyson? with this speed and power? I don't think so, again very short punches but so what, they are like a drum roll:

I don't know who the fastest is/was, but I know Gerry Cooney deserves to be in that conversation.