Even without PED, Jones will still beat DC 10 out of 10 fights.

We'll never know that for sure and it's Jon's fucking fault. What a waste of time.
Possible but we will never know now.. His career is done.. enjoy ts
DC would be blind in both eyes if fought JJ 10 times.
At this point we can't even be sure that without PED he could have beaten Stephan Bonner.

As far as I am concerned, he's cheated his entire career. From eye pokes to coke to hit and run to cheating on his baby mama to doping and on and on. He's a pathetic waste of flesh.
Without roids, Jones gasses by round 3 from DC's forward pressure. Reality is that if he didn't need the roids to beat DC, he wouldn't take them,
Clearly, JBJ disagrees with you. If he thought he would be just as dominant a fighter without PEDs as he is with them, he wouldn't risk taking the damn things.
Why does Jones need to use PED's in the first place if that is true
I LOVE all you JJ asslickers TEARS!!!

I drink it like a beer!!
Dude, shut the fuck up with this #prisonwifelife shit. You sound ricidulous, andike you're desperate for a hero.
We'll never know will we ? Jon Jones certainly seemed to think he needed them and I'd bet he knows better than you TS.
Some of you guys acted like PED automatically make a person a better/more skillful fighter. Still takes superior skills to beat the other guys. I could take PED all I want and still wouldn't come close to beating a clean amateur MMA fighter

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