Elizabeth Warren Releases DNA Test Showing "Strong Evidence" of Native American Ancestry

As a complete outsider to USA, im having a hard time understanding what word "racis" means nowadays...

Is it the dude that hates other races and believes his race is above every other race at everything? Like Skinheads?

But the dude that acknowledges the existance of races and their differences is also racist? Like someone says chinese people have narrow eyes, is he racist? This guy calls a native american "pocahontas", who was native american indeed, and he is considered then a racist?

We have one black guy here in my city ( we didnt have slavery in Croatia so we dont have black population ), and he plays basketball on street all the time, and everyones calling him Jordan, does that mean were all racists here? I mean, he seems happy here, gained alot of friends fast too, probably cause its unusual to see a black person around here though so its kinda cool to talk to...

Can someone elaborate please?
As the details of this come out, it will only get worse. Apparently this tester deduced that she was between 1/32 and 1/512 Mexican, Peruvian or Colombian. And he based it on the migration theory. Which means it's pure nonsense.
I actually think she should avoid doing this. I don't think people want to hear this nonsense during a political campaign. She did what I thought she should have done long ago and now she's shut down any argument as far as her ancestry goes. Be the bigger person here and beat Trump by being an adult not dropping down to childish "racist" talk. Plus they already tried that and he still won people don't care about that. Unless your running around screaming the N word at every black person you meet people don't care.
I don't think @IngaVovchanchyn was actually making a sincere suggestion there.
So why was this a story?

LOL! Good question.

Serious answer is that when someone starts getting a national political following, the opposition investigates their background for anything that might be damaging, and Warren's background is devoid of anything really juicy, and the best that they could come up with is a questionable claim to have a distant NA ancestor.
Trump is a dumb ass for phrasing it like that, but her claims show the opposite. Possibly 1% from Mexico, Peru, Colombia or England.
What does she identify as? This is what truly matters
Calling her pocahontas is dumb, but she's not Native in any real sense. 6 generations means 1 1/2 percent. I have a black super great grandfather, doesn't mean I claim I'm black. That's being dumb
Calling her pocahontas is dumb, but she's not Native in any real sense. 6 generations means 1 1/2 percent. I have a black super great grandfather, doesn't mean I claim I'm black. That's being dumb

But she never claimed to be NA. The actual claim she made is the one that was backed up.
DNA... how does that work?

We're psyched because we know we just cinched Florida, Georgia and every place else that like to do the tomahawk chop.

Deal with it!

1/32 ... man, I'm from CT and I can tell you, it don't take much. 1/16 gets you some of that casino money.

Interesting. So, being a white guy name staring O'..., I should expect a DNA test to come back as.... anything... you know, mostly Chinese and African dissent is just as likely as English and Irish.

Right. Because that's what happens.
Whoa Bro! Didn't know you were from CT. I'm actually going to Mohegan this weekend.
Neither does or has she. She just mentioned that she'd heard she had a distant NA ancestor.

Genuinely curious since I’m not very familiar with the specifics here.

It was my understanding that she listed herself as Native American on her law school application. Is that the case?

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