Does Volk enter into that GSP-Jones-Fedor realm with a win at 284?

If Volk beats Islam he might surpass Jon as the GOAT
I am suprised at how many people are taking Volko but I was also surprised how many thought Charles was going to beat Islam as well. I am also surprised how many are raving about Volko’s gas tank when they have not factored in the 10 percent body mass bump at fight time. More mass, more calories burned, less energy. Volko has fought almost zero wrestlers except a undersized past prime Mendez. This should be a absolute rout.
It is true that Volk's gas tank should be a question with the extra weight at 155. We shall see.
It is true that Volk's gas tank should be a question with the extra weight at 155. We shall see.
I don’t honestly think we will see. I think he gets wrecked in a couple of rounds like Charles did (who has a much better ground game and hits harder.)