Does anyone of you do Calisthenics? What's your opinion?

So would it be safe to say that Calisthenics is not met with as much criticism and skepticism and not considered as much of a mixture of being pointless and unhealthy as Crossfit which seems to be hated on sherdog?
Crossfit seems like pretty good exercise to me. I can't understand BJJers complaining it causes injuries given how much injury BJJ causes.

Depends on your goals
So would it be safe to say that Calisthenics is not met with as much criticism and skepticism and not considered as much of a mixture of being pointless and unhealthy as Crossfit which seems to be hated on sherdog?

While group exercise is fantastic and actually helps to motivate people during a workout, and while the idea of crossfit is great, what ends up happening is a bunch of schlumpy people with poor technique try to bang through a series of olympic lifts and oftentimes end up overexerting/injuring themselves.

Crossfit's hardly pointless and the idea of combining olympic lifts and calisthenics is great, but the 'for time' is what really bites people in the ass. Too many people trying to be cardio warriors and Navy SEALS.

Calisthenics is a good starting point because you're using your body weight for resistance and focusing on balance and coordination rather than sheer speed. You're less likely to injure yourself.

Not that all crossfit gyms are bad, and a smart trainer will focus on incremental improvements for beginners.

But a lot of folks who don't work out regularly tend to rely on a combination of quick fixes and drastic changes. 90-day transformations and 'warrior diets' and shit like that.

It's not so much the workouts that are toxic, it's the general culture.