Do you want cauliflower ear as a badge of honor?

Expectation: Everyone will think you're a badass because you have a cauliflower ear.

Reality: Everyone will feel sorry for you because they think you had a car crash or got your ears burnt from a fire.
They're not really common in philippinians so people would ask me like it's a birth defect.
I have it on my right ear and people often ask questions about it. It’s cool I guess
I hope no one here says yes but I remember what it was like to be young so, whatever...
Never got it.

I like being stealth grappler
A guy I trained with had them, only one of about 20. Around here, being viewed as a tough guy makes you a challenge for everyone else who thinks they're a tough guy. He was always getting people start fights with him.
If you train, do you want deformed ears as a badge of honor in your chosen sport/ martial art?
13 years on the mats so far and I've had to have one drained. So want it or not I seem pretty resistant to it. My ears do have a lot of hard spots though but they look totally normal.
The tough guy isnt the one covered in scars and deformed face/ears...its the one who has all his teeth and not a mark on him!
I don’t hurt like a btch when I broke two of my teeth before....
Most, as like 99,5%, will just see it as ugly ears
My guess is the discomfort is not worth the "status symbol" honor.
I wrestled for 7 years and was an active coach (on the mat with the athletes) for 6 years and I was very fortunate to basically have thicker cartilage around the upper curve of the ear and some scarring around the right earlobe (I have detached earlobes and they were constantly getting ripped/torn where they go into the side of my head). I have many friends active in the sport who have cauliflower and some who don't. It seems very genetic or based on your ear anatomy whether you'll get it bad or not. FWIW, Ben Askren's younger brother Max has the worst set of ears I think I've ever seen. He's not an ugly dude like Ben is, but his ears look like some kind of toadstools stuck to the sides of his they puffed out instead of shriveling up.

To answer the question, I think there are some situations where having it would be a seal of approval or badge of honor, but more important situations (professionally) where they'd be a hinderance in terms of people judging/stereotyping.
No. Do you want brain damage as a badge of honor for boxing?

Besides, I don't want someone to know I'm about to flying armbar his ass when he gets mouthy with me. I prefer they think I know nothing of combat.
Most, as like 99,5%, will just see it as ugly ears

I think with the popularity of the UFC and guys like Connor McGregor world wide average people know what it is more than a decade ago.

I learned to live with it and even forgot I have it. No one really cares. I have a white collar job and it never affected my job opportunities. No one picks fights because of it or doesn't pick fights. It doesn't affect my sleep. I don't think it's a big deal. The most I'll ever hear about it is rarely once in a while "dude, you have cauliflower ear". I say yeah. Then the topic changes. And then I wonder why they brought it up. Pointless conversation. Lol. It's all good. I'm older now so I don't see it as a badge. Just as a part of my life when I trained a lot. I'm more chill now. Life goes on. Hearing is fine. Hole isn't totally blocked. Plus on the up side when it gets cold I don't need ear warmers.
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Fuck that macho shit. My ears are gnarled and I regret draining them myself rather than go to a doctor

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