Do we know Francis ngannou real age ?

Given the spotty admin in Cameroon, let’s figure this out in a much more scientific way, random speculation.
MMA is a taxing sport on the body. Not everyone is going to have a baby face.
Working in the sun by digging and doing manual labor doesn’t age well
Age Cutting is for Real!

Age Cutting is for Real!

12. Bingo.

The rule is you divide by 3 for whatever number guys say or multiple by 3 for whatever number girls say.

Francis says he is 36. 36÷3=12

He must have been born on a leap year.

Cameroonians have previous for this

Sending grey haired "teens" to soccer clubs in Europe isn't unknown
Overeem also said Ngannou must be older than him. He said he didn't believe Ngannou's alleged age
The fun part about that dumb theory is that there isn't the slightest material element to support it.