Crime Disney sues DeSantis

They should move it to Pennsylvania or Massachusetts.

"Hey Pennsylvania, do you mind if we just plant a small city in your state? You know, just all willy nilly like? Yeah? Okay, cool, well just dig up "Disney World" and bring it here."

My God, you're dense.

South Carolina wants that Disney Money.

Quick Someone find a shovel, because The Manlet Meatball about to get buried over this.

Where do you live in Florida?

I've been twice, Lakeland and Kissimmee I think.

I remember super nice people.
Disney provides 1 in 50 jobs in Florida

DeSimp is a lose-lose situation

Either concede and look like a b1tch, or cause massive unemployment in your own State
So what happened when Disney wins? What’s the penalty on Meatball and his administration?
BTW, I fucking hate Trump but man do I love the nickname “Meatball Ron”

I'm pretty sure that DeSantis could remove their special status for any reason he sees fit. Unless Disney is running Florida, I don't see how they get to control how they pay taxes.

Any reason ? That’s some dictator / authoritarian rule shit.
You know, the kind republicans keep rambling about why they don’t get vaccinated or why rocket launchers for toddlers are a necessity.
Disney is a scumbag company, but those companies are that way for a reason. Not smart for Desantis to head down that path. He had great momentum before this. Most Libs hate him but he has made Florida the state most people migrate to, along with Texas.
1. Tax cuts returned 168m to taxpayers....
2. Huge bills protecting the everglades. Kept Florida OPEN during covid. People kept their businesses
3. Protects kids from sexual agendas
remember when people thought this guy was a more palatable Trump? lol. he's just as stupid and and bigoted and ignorant as Trump and with 200% less charisma. truly the candidate of a lifetime
I agree that Disney should be held to the same regulatory standards as other businesses.

I also agree that DeSantis should not choose to use the government to overstep on that frontier. Disney is a net good, and consumers can choose what they consume. The biggest problem with this is the fact that politicians are legally bribed by corporations to fulfill their interest, which is a much larger problem than Disney itself.
I'm 100% down for Disney and Desantis to beat the shit out of each other.

If I were running Disney I'd be publicly fielding offers for what states would subsidize a new park the way sports teams do with stadiums or amazon did with their headquarters. I'd publicly launch an exploritory committee to study the issue of leaving.

I also think it would be fun if they sued him and his lackies personally in addition to suing the state.

I'd also make generous donations to any republican who would denounce him.

But I don't think Disney is even looking for a fight. They just seem to want to be left alone.

LoL. Build a new park? Where? How dumb.
I'm 100% down for Disney and Desantis to beat the shit out of each other.

Each other? That assumes some kind of parity, or level playing field.

Mickey is going to put his foot so far up DeSantis’ ass that he will be kicking his teeth out from the inside.

The saddest part is that Florida's taxpayers will be left holding the bag for the expenses when Disney inevitably curb-stomps the governor.
Create distractions so they dont have to do any real work

Seems like a trend with Trumper politicians
Isn’t that the Disney owned housing development within Disney World?
Yes. I used to get big money to do the first phase of work in there. Now with a ton more homes in there, the work is easier, so any Tom Dick or Harry is qualified to do work in there. So only get work in there from 2 of my clients.
Last time I was in there was about a year ago. HOA is 36k a year, and they have to approve your furnishing and decorations in there.
I was in one dudes home, and was looking at all the art work on his walls. All of it is Disney related stuff. So if there were like a 1000 prints of the drawings/paintings all his numbers on his drawing were single digits. Like 5 out of 2000, he even had one of Jimmy Cricket that was a 1 out of 1000.
The last 14 sales this year ranged from 3.6 to 12.0 Million. The 3.6 million is one section with zero lot lines, where the walls of your neighbors house is 10 ft or less from yours.
The ones over 9 million is the phase with roughly 1/2 acre+ lots and over 7000 sf. GLA.
Some really nice houses in there, but there is also a high rise resort in there but each phase has its own gate so you dont have to worry about hotel guests mulling about on your street.
Also a really pain in the ass guard gate at the front, but for that kind of money, you want the guards at the gate to be a pain in the ass.
I used Golden Oaks, because not sure I want to advertise where I live on Sherdog.
They should pay tribute to his presidential campaign in their haunted mansion. I remember there was a tombstone about Fred and a rock falling on his head. You will have to forgive my memory, it’s been many years.
They have to add, “here lies the presidential campaign of meatball Ron, messed with Disney and lost to don’”