Locked DEADPOOL 2 Thread v.2

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I know exactly what you mean. Those that know the comics understand, but most of us, the world, dont. We do know the avengers, guardians, etc, so now, a person who is unknown is going to come in and save the day. And this adam warlock too.

Man, if its successful, i wont complain, but i feel as if id rather have the original crew take out Thanos since weve invested in them and theyve gotten their ass kicked. I dont want some silly bitch or some pretty boy coming in to rob them of the pleasure of victory.
It's a shame more of the forum can't be intelligent and well spoken (written) like you.

I get your point though, at this point of the game it's hard to introduce anyone new, we have the Avengers, it started with them and everyone will want it to end with them.
Yup. And Falcon was perfect because of his tenure. He was legit as a stand alone, a side-kick, part of a team, whatever the role. No one could say he was selected for any social reasons whatsoever (at least not legitimately).

I wouldve liked to see the kid who played patriot as captain America also. From young avengers. That series was so good when it first came out years back
Not exactly, but at the same time, it's not something to get bent out of shape about. I understand, but don't necessarily agree with, regular people getting bent out of shape about a character changing gender or ethnicity in a movie, but I don't understand comic book fans getting upset about it. It happens all the time in the comics. It's really not that big of a deal. Then again, I'm speaking for myself and not all of the fans of comic books.

Of course its something to get upset about. They write a character that fans want to see. They only change the character because they know they have the fans sold on one character and are banking that nerds stay with that character no matter the changes. If they make iron heart into a regular robot type of girl most people will over look it. Its a scam and im to smart to fall for that shit
Saw the film and it was better than expected but i still had many gripes with it. I liked the first one a little better than this one. The first was a very good blend of the action and comedy. this one had some funny moments but i started to get numb to the same schtick he had.

Domino was ok as an actress but she did nothing for me to get over her not looking how she should. Honestly there were times you couldnt even see her eye patch in this film.

The xforce were used very lamely

There were tons of bad cgi throughout the film.

some of the combat was atrocious, they used the same scheme to make fights look good that they used in TAKEN 2. shakey cam with close up so you cant see how bad it actually is. The end fight scenes were the best, except dominos that used the taken 2 shakey cam up close technique.

The secret character was cool for a bit until they started doing shit they wouldnt do in the comics, that pissed me off a bit.

all in all i laughed a few times but i was also bored. That final scene where dead pool is talking...holy shit i wanted to blow my brains out. It just went on and on and it wasnt funny at all.

Ill never watch this film again and my wife fell asleep.

End credits were funny 6/10 and I gave the first deadpool 8/10
saw it, enjoyed the fuck out of it.

think id give it an 8
I’m at the theater waiting for the trailers to start and I just saw that some asshole has brought his daughter.

The kid can be more than 6 years old! Who the fuck brings a child that young to see Deadpool?!
just got back.

1. Not even close to as good as the original
2. Still, pretty good.
3. Yukio was the highlight. Hope we get to see more o' dat.
4. I want that music box.
I’m at the theater waiting for the trailers to start and I just saw that some asshole has brought his daughter.

The kid can be more than 6 years old! Who the fuck brings a child that young to see Deadpool?!
Its a family movie.
Had a blast watching this. The screening was pretty packed, and it was obvious "most" of the jokes hit their mark. Theater was rolling throughout. There was just one scene that really didn't work for most of the audience.
His death scene

Action was good, but nothing too amazing. Story wasn't much to write about either. Initial rating after one viewing is a 7/10 for me, so a bit lower than the first. I did have more fun watching this one though.

Will watch it again before going into my main problems with it.
just got back.

1. Not even close to as good as the original
2. Still, pretty good.
3. Yukio was the highlight. Hope we get to see more o' dat.
4. I want that music box.
Any action scenes like the highway scene where he counted his 12 bullets? That and Quicksilver running around the kitchen are my favorite Marvel action sequences
Any action scenes like the highway scene where he counted his 12 bullets? That and Quicksilver running around the kitchen are my favorite Marvel action sequences

Nothing like that. The action wasn't even choreographed that well, tbh. It gets by on humor, Easter Eggs/ pop culture references, and a decent soundtrack.
Had a blast watching this. The screening was pretty packed, and it was obvious "most" of the jokes hit their mark. Theater was rolling throughout. There was just one scene that really didn't work for most of the audience.
His death scene
t'his had me laughing the hardest. Not the parts where he would break the silence, but during the dead stare I started dying the last 2 times.
Action was good, but nothing too amazing. Story wasn't much to write about either. Initial rating after one viewing is a 7/10 for me, so a bit lower than the first. I did have more fun watching this one though.

Will watch it again before going into my main problems with it.

I don't know why I broke up your post, so I'm adding this sentence to the end to make it look less weird.
I legit thought Yukio was Marica Hase everytime she came on screen.
They could have of least given us a lesbo makeout scene if they were going to tease that relationship


Sigh, again with the Liefeld jokes. Enough already.

Sure, no one in their right mind will look at this creation and immediately think "this is appealing". But it's vomit inducing and logic defying as well.

Sure, Liefeld can't draw feet. But he also can't draw faces and (remotely anatomically correct) bodies (male or female) to proportions.

Sure, his most prominent work shows the "artist" had absolutely no understanding of perspective or composition. But he also did not (made an effort to) improve the slightest from the 90s.

Wait, what was i trying to say?
[QUOTE="SiKnSiN, post: 141315903, member: 272692"

His death scene


reminds me of some 80's or bad comedy movie lol
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