daves killer bread

So youre telling me I'm eating a bread that is affiliated with an ex con? Not that its a bad thing, just curious.

Chew gingerly or you might lose a tooth when you bite down on the file hidden inside.

What exactly is going on with the hair here?
Define "normal bread."

There are hundreds of healthy brands of sprouted wheat breads out there. Try shopping at Whole Foods instead of Safeway.
Sprouted bread with no yeast is where it’s at. It’s pretty hard and not fluffy obviously but shit is way healthier
The green bag is the best one. Also lmao the dude is a legit criminal.
Dave is basically a reformed Walter White..

He went from making killer meth to making killer bread.
I liked it but you gotta use it quick. They weren't kidding about "No preservatives."

Dave Dahl of Dave's Killer Bread is an ex con.
He has had a few arrest here in PDX that make the local news.



Good on him for legit turning his life around and for giving back by getting others straight and steady employment.

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What exactly is going on with the hair here?

Dunno but the one to the right in reminiscent of Ravishing Rick Rude. Straight up mulletastic!
I work in the food industry here in Portland Oregon, hence my handle "No MSG."

Dave sold his bread company for $275 million back in 2015. Recently, he bought an $3 million penthouse in downtown Portland.

He did have a good police chase in 2013 which he rammed a squad car and injured three deputies.

But he got off by pleading Insanity and the courts bought it.

Like I said. I work in the food industry here and one of my coworkers worked at Dave's Killer Bread for awhile and has some pretty good stories to tell.

Dave believes in hiring felons right out of the joint.
So on Saturday night Dave would hold all night parties with "boxing" matches. My coworker said that the parties were crazy!

He said guys would turn all their pent up anger on each other in the ring, says the "boxing" was more like gladiator fights. He said guys would show up Monday morning with the shit beat out of them and they could barley work.

My coworkers says "Good times were had. lol
Warning. My son ate this and now he is dead.
I actually just saw that for the first time at a supermarket near me a week ago. Looked pretty good, not sure why i didnt pick up a loaf
u guys
i tried this stuff and its way betre than like normal bread
u guys should try it

I tried it TS, but I just got it because it was on sale. Was pretty good . I got the one with a the seeds n shit on top.

<mma4> .
I work in the food industry here in Portland Oregon, hence my handle "No MSG."

Dave sold his bread company for $275 million back in 2015. Recently, he bought an $3 million penthouse in downtown Portland.

He did have a good police chase in 2013 which he rammed a squad car and injured three deputies.

But he got off by pleading Insanity and the courts bought it.

Like I said. I work in the food industry here and one of my coworkers worked at Dave's Killer Bread for awhile and has some pretty good stories to tell.

Dave believes in hiring felons right out of the joint.
So on Saturday night Dave would hold all night parties with "boxing" matches. My coworker said that the parties were crazy!

He said guys would turn all their pent up anger on each other in the ring, says the "boxing" was more like gladiator fights. He said guys would show up Monday morning with the shit beat out of them and they could barley work.

My coworkers says "Good times were had. lol