Darren Till Says He's Going To Call Mike Perry Into The Octagon After Beating Cerrone

Honestly if he loses against Cerrone, a fight with Perry would actually make more sense
He's booking it backwards...looks like he knows he's losing to Cowboy. Would watch Till Perry for sure.
So, now fighters call out other fighters after they lose?<BronTroll1>
To everyone saying fighting Perry would be a step back need to realize that a fight with Perry is a fight with a guy who just broke into the top 15, is building somewhat of a name for himself and is an incredibly favorable style matchup for Till. Till could win next week in Poland and if he comes out uninjured he could fight Perry in Detroit no problem. Perry is an easy fight for him, and I like Perry a lot.

This is a championship fight for a few years down the line
Till makes Perry panic wrestle.

If Jouban dropped him with his F-level striking, Till will piece him up.

Let's just hope Cerrone doesn't panic wrestle once he gets boxed up, because Till would get tapped.
Lol call Perry into the octagon? Yooooooo I don't think that's a good idea. Mike will go full skrap pack on till and his team if things get out of hand. Till has a style advantage in a way, but if he gets hit clean once, it's over for him
Cerrone is going to quickly take Till down and submit him. Gonna look like his fight against Brazilian Cowboy
Is Till objectively better than Cowboy at striking or grappling?
Not sure who this Till fella is, but Perry will get a bigger name for his next fight...
Looking past an opponent is ALWAYS a terrible idea. Hope he gets humbled.
Lol call Perry into the octagon? Yooooooo I don't think that's a good idea. Mike will go full skrap pack on till and his team if things get out of hand. Till has a style advantage in a way, but if he gets hit clean once, it's over for him
Best way to build some hype for a fight! The UFC probably wouldn't even give a shit.

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