Dana White aging fast!

Well, if you had to deal with Nick Diaz in your payroll you would understand...

stressful job, travels all the time, probably does not have a good sleeping routine, probably eats badly... But yes, he has aged pretty fast.

Maybe Anderson has been absorbing his youth like he does to the Nogs.

That's amazing. You answered two questions in one shot; the other being "how the hell is Anderson still so fast??"
I'm pretty sure Rogan has openly said he is on TRT. Without a doubt, Lorenzo is as well. You don't suddenly get that jacked in your 40's and 50's without a little assistance.

As for Dana, well, he has kept fairly busy and active and time HAS passed. He may be overindulging in meals, but he doesn't really look out of the ordinary otherwise.
Yep, Joe ROgan on TRT and HGH, said it in a podcast with Andy Dick.
Can't find the audio though
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Look at a pic of yourself from 8 years ago...I'm sure you look older too. When you're his age, 8 years make quite a bit of difference.
Both Dana White and Joe Rogan has really been gaining weight lately. Needs to get on the Dolce diet.


lol i don't know why everyone thinks Joe is fat.
Is he supposed to have supple 13 year old bodies like the rest of you to appear healthy?

lol i don't know why everyone thinks Joe is fat.
Is he supposed to have supple 13 year old bodies like the rest of you to appear healthy?

does joe take these pictures of himself and give them to the masses for what reason?
sex, drugs, alcohol, stress, and lots of plane rides.

Also, dining out and eating at his favourite ice cream place
Actually I think it has to do with a failed surgery to fix his inner ear issue. He has been very sick after that and missing events. He was mentioning it on Rogans Podcast a few weeks back.
No bs, ts...Dana is looking like he put on 20 years since tuff started. No question that his daily job- life is stressful.
Love him or hate him, he truly loves what he does. He probably sleeps 3 or 4 hours a night and when you are a hustler living in LV, jetting to every major city in the world 20 times a year, you have a tendency to lose track of your diet.
I've thought Dana was juicing for several years now. Compared to what he used to look like, he's huge thru the chest and shoulders. Hard for a guy in his late 30's to early 40's to accomplish that naturally. Not impossible but difficult. Plus, he might not even be taking garden variety steroids. With his money, he could be participating in some of the experimental anti-aging/youth enhancing therapies that are out there.
hue runs the playboy mansion and he's 80 years old just saying

That's true, but Hugh has looked relaxed and youthful. Dana does not appear to be on pace to be a professional pimp in 35 years, he looks to be on pace to be in a grave.