Media Dana implies Jon scared of Ngannou, should drop to 185 lbs, and Jones wants $30mil


Red Belt
Nov 2, 2017
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After Ngannou became champion, Jones claimed he needed a year to move up to Heavyweight (which resulted in nothing more than him getting pudgy):


When it was clear that Ngannou was going to leave the company and not re-sign due to how restrictive the UFC contracts are (and how Dana treated Ngannou in the leadup to the Gane fight), suddenly there weren't anymore contract issues on Jones' end.

And I already did a financial breakdown as to how and why Jones was pricing himself out to duck Ngannou.
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"If Jon Jones really wants the fight, Jon Jones knows he can get the fight. All he's gotta do is call. It's easy to say you want the fight....Francis Ngannou is the HW champion of the world right now. All you have to do is pick up the phone and call and we can get the deal done."

I guess Picto officially ducked Big Frank. Uncle Goof bless. Picto bless.

I honestly believe Jones got shook by Ngannou. I think Ngannou would have sent his head into a shadow realm if they fought. I don't think it's a coincidence that Jones came back right after Ngannou left either.

Jones hasn't arguably looked good since he popped for PED. I mean he destroyed GUS, but Gus had a bigger decline than most since.

Jones is probably the greatest fighter in the history of UFC or MMA if you ignore PED. I don't though and I can't.

If Gane didn't look so god awful when Ngannou wrestled him, nor the fact he doesn't train outside training camp which makes no sense since this guy doesn't have martial arts background, I mean he got into Muay thai late too, I would be more confident in predicting this fight, but oh boy he really looked like he didn't know what he was doing. And Jones is arguably best MMA wrestler of all time.

I still favour Gane though. Gane actually didn't look that bad grappling in his ufc run, though obviously he hasn't fought a strong wrestler yet. Also, no one knows what Jones is going to look like with added weight and wrestling someone who is as long, big and athletic as Gane. I think Jones hasn't looked good for a long time, coming off a long lay off, with a big unknown in this fight which will determine the fight: How good is Gane's wrestling when he's expecting the takedowns, and how good is Jone's wrestling/cardio now at heavyweight against a gifted heavyweight like Gane and how will he look with added weight? No one can be sure of the answer.

But with what we have, I think I'd pick Gane by UD or late finish. I don't think Jones will be what he once was.
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I’ve laid out Ngannou’s dishonesty several times. As well as Jones ducking Ngannou too.

If one just pays attention it’s all there in black and white.

And all 3 of those guys are dishonest as fuck. I wouldn’t trust anyone of them without corroborating evidence. And trust me.. I researched the shit out of this.
I’ve laid out Ngannou’s dishonesty several times. As well as Jones ducking Ngannou too.

If one just pays attention it’s all there in black and white.

And all 3 of those guys are dishonest as fuck. I wouldn’t trust anyone of them without corroborating evidence. And trust me.. I researched the shit out of this.

I didn't research deeply into this or anything, just read what came my way and what I could find, but this probably is closer to the actual truth all three being full of shit.
Jones ducking Francis really is the most obvious ducking in MMA since Tito and Chuck, Jon moving up to HW but then sitting on the shelf for 3 years then coming back the instant Francis leaves.

Jones saw Stipe/DC 3, thought like many of us Stipe didnt look great even in victory and moved up to avoid rematches of his questionable wins at LHW, suddenly Francis gets the belt and looks like a beast and Jon wants nothing to do with him.
Another possibility is that Dana, having lost Ngannou, was suddenly more ready to work with Jones and Stipe (financially, respect wise, or whatever it was they wanted) because he needed them in order to save face and show that he still had big names in the HW division.

I’m not saying I’m right and you’re wrong, it’s just a thought that occurred to me.
So you believe Dana on this but not when he said that he offered Nganeau one of the largest contracts in UFC history to fight Jones? Nganeau walked away from that deal, so they moved on to Gane vs Jones. Simple as that.
Dana isn't lying about that. Jon Jones priced himself out of the Ngannou fight, then pretended to be "bulking up" for 3 yrs and comes back exactly when Ngannou leaves. if Jon really wanted the fight the UFC would've been happy to make it.
It's such bullshit to say that Jones is only fighting because Francis is gone. They tried to make the fight and it was Francis that didn't agree with the contract because he wanted more freedom. People are letting their hate for Jones create some false narrative. Jones has never backed down from a challenge and wanted to fight Francis, he just wanted to get paid what he thought he deserved. Francis wanted the fight as well, he just wanted the freedom to go box and make more money. Neither of them ducked, they just were not giving what they wanted from the company.

They've been trying to make Ngannou vs Jon for over a year. Ngannou wasn't playing ball with the UFC. He outpriced himself right out of the UFC. Now all the boxers are looking to low ball him for his potential boxing matches because he's not the champ anymore.