Dana Dana Dana, is he just easy to hate?

I don't see why people get so worked up about Dana. Whether he's a good guy or an a-hole, honest or a complete liar, I don't care as long as he puts on fights the fans want to see.

Fighters are judged not only by their skill but also by how many tickets they sell. Ditto Dana, who either puts butts in seats or promotes guys who do. So regardless of what he says or does, as long as he makes me want to pay to see UFC fights, I'll continue to give zero f*cks about who or what he is.
Dana is just the face of company. Not even the guy who makes most of the decisions.
He's in the lime light, easy to hate plus he makes crazy, rash dicisions and gives all his money champs instant rematches right away. I think Lorenzo just kicks back and makes his millions of these fighters and stupid sponcer deals
Dana is fighting with Conor.
Dana wants more money.
Dana doesn't pay fighters enough.

Where is the hate for Lorenzo? Last I checked, he owned a lot more of the company than Dana and makes a lot more than Dana.

Is Dana just easier to hate? Do people think he's really in charge of everything? Do you just hate bald people?

Dana, just like the president, is simply a figurehead designed to take the brunt of the public outcry while others behind the scenes pull the strings.
Dana is there to draw the ire of all the whiny teenagers online.
That explains why he is always getting in arguments with them on the Internet.

I know you meant it as an insult to others but consider how ridiculous it is that the president of a major company acts as bad or worse than internet teenagers trolling.
I used to like Dana, back when he did media scrums and had no filter. But ever since the Rousey/McGregor/Reebok era began, he just seems like a greedy prick.
Dana gets almost all of his hate from people not smart enough to realize he's just doin his job, and is damn good at it. Looking at you 99% of sherdoggers
As someone who has a DW like position in a company with a LF like boss, I'm pretty certain his role is the enforcer helping Lorenzo keep his hands clean.
Greeter at Wal Mart?
It's like Hitler too. Say waht you want about Adolf, but he had droves of military and medical personnel that were all as twisted and sick as him, but all you hear is Hitler Hitler Hitler.

Hitler was the highest ranking Nazi.

His lieutenants are equally reviled but less well known, and so on, down the chain of command.

All Nazis are hated.
Dana is fighting with Conor.
Dana wants more money.
Dana doesn't pay fighters enough.

Where is the hate for Lorenzo? Last I checked, he owned a lot more of the company than Dana and makes a lot more than Dana.

Is Dana just easier to hate? Do people think he's really in charge of everything? Do you just hate bald people?

Well I do hate Dana, but I do agree he is just a public figure head with very little actual power. So I guess I fall for the fertittas "don't look behind the curtain." But I hate Dana most of all for publicly disgracing fighters who have literally bled for him.
Are you talking about Dana Menard? Take her name out of your mouth bro. She's killin the game.
Dana gets almost all of his hate from people not smart enough to realize he's just doin his job, and is damn good at it. Looking at you 99% of sherdoggers
He's good at his job. But his word often is worthless and he carries himself pretty poorly at times. And he compounds it by making it clear he doesn't care and attacks anyone that calls him on it. His ability isn't the issue, it is his character.

People that criticize how he has done his job as far as efficiency probably shouldn't be taken too seriously but to pretend there is no basis to find fault with how he often acts is equally silly. He can do his job without trashing fighters and arguing with children online.
Doesn't help at all that Dana White publicly bashes anyone who questions what he is doing. Calling fans "dorks" and other names doesn't bode well for someone supposedly "taking the heat" for others.

Also, I more often see comments/posts referring to the UFC not paying fighters enough, not Dana. That is just assumption from Dana supporters. I see things being said about the UFC is somehow some way redirected as having been said about Dana White.
Even if he's just a face, dana represent everything feel shit, cheap and low-level about UFC

Also when fighters have disagreement with the org, still is rare ear them say anything bad about Lorenzo, even if they know well he hold way more power
Dana is the bad cop and Lorenzo is the good cop. He draws all the heat and people go crawling to the "more reasonable" Lorenzo. In the end the Zuffa team wins.
Dana is the president. That's his job. Lorenzo is the money.
Lorenzo doesn't micromanage Dana. Dana does his job.
Why be mad at Lorenzo?
Why be mad at Dana, actually?
He is doing a better job than just about anyone else could do.
I own a company. I hire a manager. The manager runs the company.
The manager reports to me.
If the manager needs guidance or advice, I take care of that.
If the manager is not doing a good job, I deal with that.
I let the manager run the company.
In truth, I run the company by getting the best manager I can, but I don't do the manager's job.