Media Conor McGregor stops himself from drinking at last second, says he's "off the drink" for Chandler camp

For being sober for 10 weeks

He still looks like shit, notice the puffy eyes?

Now that could be swelled cheeks from sparring possibly but it says to me that his body is emflamed (which is normal in camp but as rich as he is he should have every comfort available to mitigate training wear and tear)
Yeah the dude is obviously physically withdrawing from booze and probably Coke (good luck with that one)
“I’ve been off my beautiful products since the 10 week mark”
Wow, I felt that! he really had to dig deep to stop himself
From taking a sip of that cold, frothing beer.
I guarantee you he will keep on drinking for weeks and weeks to come. BEFORE the Chandler fight.

That little video clip was just a PR stunt I think. As soon as the camera stopped recording I reckon he drank the entire pint.

He is addicted to ethyl alcohol for sure. Many people drink too much but he is allegedly a pro fighter, supposedy elite, and if you wanna be elite you have to have to top-level nutrition, daily hard training and leave the drink and drugs alone at least for most of your fight career.

Because OTHER fighters WILL be following a strict regimen and that could be all the difference they need to defeat you.

I'd give McGregor about 1.5rounds or less to beat Chandler, after 7mins (approx) he has close to no chance.
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I'm no conor fan but if he is sober and takes camp seriously Chandler is getting sauteed.
Whats so wrong about some booze and coke before a fight? The double champ can do whatever the fook he wants!
I guarantee you he will keep on drinking foir weeks and weeks to come. BEFORE the Chandler fight.

That little video clip was just a PR stunt I think. As soon as the camera stoipped recording I reckon he drank the entire pint.

HGe is addicted to ethyl alcohol for sure. Many people drink too much but he is allegedly a pro fighter, supposedy elite, and if you wanna be elite you have to have to top-level nutrition, daily hard training and leave the drink and drugs alone at least for most of your fight career.

Because OTHER fighters WILL be following a strict regimen and that could be all the difference they need to defeat you.

I'd give McGregor about 1.5rounds or less to beat Chandler, after 7mins (approx) he has close to no chance.

Well said.

I developed a serious drinking problem during covid. Damn near lost my marriage. Two bottles of the strong wild turkey a week is what I was on. Drank 27 beers over a 12 hour period and did 8 hours of work once. What got me passed it was not the promise of still having a wife and kids, that wasn't guaranteed, I did it for me. You must do it for you.

With that being said, 10 weeks ain't shit and holding that beer in front of the camera is a cry for help. I seriously doubt he didn't drink it or has drank since. Holding that beer is enough to drink then or in the dark.

I wish him well.
He is semi retired. Training, fighting, competing, and CTE are some real shit.

No other fighter in history has dealt with a similar struggle. Unimaginable how wealthy and successful he is. The leg break, losing streak, and loss to Floyd greatly effect him. As crazy and hard as it sounds, quitting is the best thing for him and the ones he loves the most.

Imagine the struggle he has... Reputation and career in question and his own stout and whiskey that sell well. Stopping is damn near impossible, but if he continues he won't make it past 60 and will break a lot of hearts as we watch him seriously struggle over the next few years.
Yeah Right like an Irishman is going to let a stout just go to waste.

If he poured it down the sink, I'd maybe believe him.
Explain the joke
I guarantee you he will keep on drinking foir weeks and weeks to come. BEFORE the Chandler fight.

That little video clip was just a PR stunt I think. As soon as the camera stoipped recording I reckon he drank the entire pint.

HGe is addicted to ethyl alcohol for sure. Many people drink too much but he is allegedly a pro fighter, supposedy elite, and if you wanna be elite you have to have to top-level nutrition, daily hard training and leave the drink and drugs alone at least for most of your fight career.

Because OTHER fighters WILL be following a strict regimen and that could be all the difference they need to defeat you.

I'd give McGregor about 1.5rounds or less to beat Chandler, after 7mins (approx) he has close to no chance.
Conor paid the best nutritioner to incorporate a fixed amount of daily beers. He's cleared
Is that me or is he well on his way to a second round of esthetic surgeries ? He seems to have ruined the first one
Conor Bless...

And braincells that have been lost.
incredible will power. you can see the demon try to grab a hold of him several times in that 30 sec clip but he refuted it at every turn. his clear, sober, bright eyes tell the story. this is a different Conor. this is the Conor of legend. the Conor of old. THE CONOR MCGREGOR OF THE CLAN MCGREGOR. THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE.
Clan MacGriogair!