Chester of linkin park dead

I liked their early shit a lot. Hell, I still listen to their first two albums from time to time. I wasn't a fan of anything after. He had a great voice regardless.

It's crazy. I think if I was a super talented person, well known, with lots of money, suicide would be the last thing on my mind. Obviously that stuff doesn't solve everything but from my middle class point of view it sure seems like it would help.
I do believe that too many people make excuses for suicides after the fact. Normalizing the act of giving up like the person has no control on the decision to end their life is a problem.
I just shared this video 2 weeks ago in a thread about Cornell. Now they've both hung themselves. What a fucking shame. I've been listening to Linkin Park radio all week at work
That's some dark shit makes me sad I used to listen to Hybrid Theory all the time R.I.P. Chester

Today is also Chris Cornell's birthday, apparently Chester and Chris were close friends
I just shared this video 2 weeks ago in a thread about Cornell. Now they've both hung themselves. What a fucking shame. I've been listening to Linkin Park radio all week at work

Wtf? I posted this but it shows I posted under the username TatlessInmate.
I just shared this video 2 weeks ago in a thread about Cornell. Now they've both hung themselves. What a fucking shame. I've been listening to Linkin Park radio all week at work

Aw fuck. That shit was hauntingly awesome.

Thanks for that bro.

Fist bump.

Naw seriously tho. I'm gonna go listen to Linkin Park.
I do believe that too many people make excuses for suicides after the fact. Normalizing the act of giving up like the person has no control on the decision to end their life is a problem.

People aren't "making excuses" for suicide. I've seen no one "make excuses".

I've seen people sympathize and understand the struggles that someone suicidal is going through. Suicide isn't some straight forward thing to understand.

I don't think you understand how mental illness works tbh. That's why this country needs to Invest more into it so that the avg Joe understands it better. We'll save that argument for another day and time.
He had a great singing voice. I've always thought it was just fake teenage anger.

Linkin Park made a lot of horrible music videos though (over produced, overly dramatic).
I loved his music. This is a sad situation. My thoughts and prayers are with his family.
This guy was talented. And I loved Linkin Park since I was a kid. You're the shit Chester, RIP.
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was never a fan but this is a bummer.

Going through some mental issues myself. Very hard to explain to people how you can be miserable despite having all you need in life.

On Chris Cornell's b-day as well.

such a sad situation all round
Damn... I've become so numb...

Edit - Just wanted to add this.

Yeah, I am a dick, and I was also a Linkin Park fan in the early to mid 2000s.

Am I sad about Chester's suicide? Yeah, I am. But I'm far more pissed off.

He, just like Chris Cornell, had a wife and kids, millions of fans, friends and bandmates, and was wealthy and successful. So.... WTF? What is going on in their mind they just can't get the fuck over? And yes, it's just in their fucking mind.

We all act like people that become depressed and then commit suicide, like it just happened to them as if it was a disease that killed them instantaneously. No, its a concious choice. Get some fucking help.

And as we've seen now, there's a goddamn domino effect. Suicides are inspiring other suicides, and by hanging... anyone else notice that's becoming a trend? Thanks David Carradine and Robin Williams, what a way to go. I wish ODing on pills was still in style so the question remains if it was intentional or not.

So yeah, at first I was numb and made a joke. Now it's sunk in and I'm pissed off.
ignorance at its finest
there has to be something on celebrities rich and famous motherfuckers offing themselves
once you get used to being rich and having everything life gets kind of boring. what other dreams could you possibly chase
Hate to play the mini violin but I have suffered from depression due to a chronic condition and have had severe health issues from colitis which ended in my large intestine being removed to prevent cancer. This I have had for 12 years and lead to depression at times.

If 6 kids aren't placing a smile on your face and you can't muster the strength for them then in my book that makes you an idiot.
thats an illusion you created to cope with reality.
I was such a huge fan of them since Hybrid Theory when I was in middle and high school but they lost me after Meteroa. This shit is so depressing. First Chris Cornell and now Chester. They were really close apparently and today was Chris' bday. I saw Soundgarden in concert in KC less than a week before he died. As someone who struggles with suicide and has BPD, it really makes you question how you can ever make it when a guy who has talent, purpose, success, wife, kids, friends, support and all the money in the world to get the help he needs and he still can't escape it. Fuck man.
Mental health ain't no joke, seek help if you need it and never feel it's a sign of weakness
Lost a good friend to suicide and I still wonder if I could have done more 10 years later

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