Charges dropped for Erdogan bodyguards who assaulted peacefull protesters in Washington

Diplomatic immunity was not mentioned in the WSJ article. It simply stated the charges were dropped.

What laws are the Secret Service breaking in their presidential detail?

Well, they have a penchant for hiring prostitutes in Cartagena and the agent investigating the charges got arrested for prostitution himself in Florida.
Well, they have a penchant for hiring prostitutes in Cartagena and the agent investigating the charges got arrested for prostitution himself in Florida.
That is two different things.

The original post I was replying to mentioned laws that secret service broke while detailing the president.

I assume if they are with a hooker, they are no working presidential detail at the moment.

By al means, arrest them and take away their security clearance for engage in prostitution, but I'm wondering what laws the secret service broke while working presidential security detail.

Bottom line: there is no comparison to the Secret Service and what the Turkish "security" guys did in this situation
Maybe just detained them indefinitely without trial on an island somewhere. With occasional sessions of water-boarding and sleep deprivation. In other words, no use of torture or violation of human rights.

Well he did like the idea and practice of starving people:

"In a country where the sole employer is the State, opposition means death by slow starvation. The old principle: who does not work shall not eat, has been replaced by a new one: who does not obey shall not eat."

He practiced what he preached, creating a famine that killed up to 15 million Ukrainians, starving out significant parts of Europe:

It's not like people starving in Venezuela, North Korea and China is a new thing for communist led regimes. For the good of the people of course.
lol. If you are letting some 3rd World body guard beat you up, you deserve it.
So why did Trump cuck out?

Can't deal with pay wall. How exactly is this Trump's fault? Is he now in charge of every prosecution and court case?
If you are just butthurt about Trump and want to howl at the moon with Chelsea Handler then that makes sense.
The situation is ridicolous and make Trump narrative limp, but still reality is

Nothing was going to happen. You're not going to cause a diplomatic row over some protesters getting roughed up.

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