Can we compare neo-nazis/KKK to ISIS and Al Qaeda?

You sure you replied to the right guy this time? Who's confused again?
You, you're the cheese lost in the atmosphere, the rotting Velveeta parked in a warehouse in the clouds high above, dropping plastic wrap as you slowly eat yourself
Many liberals are going to be thrilled now. Finally they have recent proof that Christianity is no different than Islam. The car attack in Virginia proved that. It's a new talking point for them.

Now can we talk about the big differences?

1) The level of terror the KKK and other white supremacist groups is incomparably smaller than that of Islamic extremists (death and destruction caused by Islamic extremists is thousands of times greater than that of white supremacists).

2) KKK members are not as religiously motivated as Islamic extremists.

3) 99% of Christians have nothing to do with the KKK or white supremacy, they are not connected at all. Those who believe in Islam have far more in common with ISIS ideology. This point has been made by Bill Maher over and over again, that Islam in most of the world, does not share values with the west.

Am I missing anything?

the kkk didnt justify their behavior with religion? lol. are missing something.

with that said, youre right that modern mainstream christianity has little to do with reconstruction era christianity. and there was a time when the kkk was a horrifying de facto dictatorship in the southern US.

youre under the impression that those days are forever gone, and if i were a betting man, id say they are too. but, thats no guarantee. there was a time when afghanistan was a pretty modern country, along with several other middle eastern nations. i wonder if their citizens also felt that there would never be any going back to medieval times?
You, you're the cheese lost in the atmosphere, the rotting Velveeta parked in a warehouse in the clouds high above, dropping plastic wrap as you slowly eat yourself
You sound high. Do a Whipit? Got the head wobbles?
That dumb shit in his American muscle car his mom probably bought for him traded away his life in order to do bad shit to many innocent people, so yeah, he's another terrorist. Death penalty that turd.
There are people fighting a war against Al-Qaeda and ISIS. It's the perfect example of American hubris and self-absorbedness into their own "first world problems", to compare their groups of repressed man-children lashing out, to the kind of people who are beheading, burning people alive, genociding, suicide bombing, raping women and pillaging villages all around the Middle East. The kind of people who drove a plane into the Twin Towers and caused the deaths of thousands of American citizens.

Safe to say there is no comparison whatsoever.
The current political field has become far too diseased, everyone at each others' throats trying to one up one another to show them who the real problem is. It's an entire failure of communication, and a celebration of egotism.

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