News Calls intensify for Jones to be stripped, DJ weighs in. Blaydes says Jones is all talk, he and Tom are fighting for the real belt.

Why would the UFC strip him? They want the Stipe fight so that in the event Jones wins, they will always be able to say the UFC was home to the greatest MMA fighter ever.
They already say that now. Pulling Stipe out of retirement for one last beating doesn't help his goat case, in fact I think it's hurting it
The UFC will never strip Jon because Randy Couture had to sue the UFC and resign, to try and fight Fedor - so when Randy Couture wanted the best fights he had to sue the UFC and leave. Since the beginning, even when Fedor was active, its always been about $$$.
a majority of casual fans, they don’t know the difference. I’m sure a lot of them are probably perplexed like, ‘How does Aspinall have a belt and Jon have a belt?’ They probably don’t understand the concept of interim vs. undisputed, and they don’t care. All they see is a shiny belt and you holding it in a UFC octagon. That’s all they need. So to me, it is the real belt.”
Wait, so casuals actually have insect-like intelligence ? I knew it. I thought a lot about that in my pupa.
I think this strong public pressure campaign is exactly what is needed to challenge Jones to defend the HW if he makes it past Stipe.
Jones beat the #1 HW, then got injured, what happens that is not known, even if Jones fighting the IC is highly unlikely, stripping feels early, considering its not that long ago he was supposed to defend.
lol at seriously pretending Gane was ever the #1 HW of this planet... in any timelime/universe/possibility... lol
Tom Jones is the fight to make
Too bad JoNes has been a part time fighter for almost the last decade

I like what you did here.
He was ranked #1 when they fought...
I know how the rigged comedy game of UFC ranking works. I just dislike when fans echo it. Gane was never ever top 3 in his lifetime and you know that, so don't post "he was #1" as if you believe it. His biggest career win is arguably Tai and he has no grappling. The ranking was an insult to all fans' intelligence and a desperate OBVIOUS ploy at adding a bullshit joke of a paper HW belt to Jon's resume solely for marketing purposes. Which was further proven when the bullshit belt was declared eternally reserved for a bullshit Jon vs Stipe comedy fight (again... not even top 3 today). Of course when that fight happens Stipe "zero wins in four years by the time he fights, last fight absolutely zero offense before getting brutally KOd by the guy blacklisted by the UFC" will be #1 lol.
But do I honestly believe he would risk his legacy against a guy like me? No.

This is the idea that both he and Tom should be hammering. This should be the crux of every discussion they have.

Tell the media that John is old and washed. Tell them it's smart for him to go do his old timers fight. Tell them he'd be crazy to get beat up by a younger faster stronger opponent.

That's a strategy that might actually get them a fight because John's ego would really struggle with that.
"NEWS" Lol, nobody in any position of power to do anything is involved in this, not news at all.
Jones made it pretty clear he doesn't want to fight the winner between Curtis/Aspinall.

UFC and Jones don't need the belt to sell the fight. It doesn't make the fight more glorious with the belt.
It makes it worse tbh hahaha
This is the idea that both he and Tom should be hammering. This should be the crux of every discussion they have.

Tell the media that John is old and washed. Tell them it's smart for him to go do his old timers fight. Tell them he'd be crazy to get beat up by a younger faster stronger opponent.

That's a strategy that might actually get them a fight because John's ego would really struggle with that.
Yeah his ego is already tweaked, you can tell by some of Jones' recent comments that he is concerned people will think he doesn't have the real belt, he's slapping them down, calling their fight a contender fight, saying Tom has an "intern" belt, etc. but it's just going to get harder to do, especially if Aspinall wins and he's still months away from an irrelevant fight that no one wants to see.
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