Call Me A Conspiracy Nut, But...

1. It is feasible.
2. I care because I value my privacy, as do at least 99.9% of folks. Pretending you don't care sounds like a coping mechanism to me.

Feasible how? You really think they would hire millions of workers to listend to millions of citizens conversation?
...Would anyone be surprised if the government was secretly watching you? I'm talking, watching you to the point where they have small, possibly undetectable secret audio/video recorders inside your satellite box or something so that they can quite literally spy on you?

I still dread the day 50 to 100 years from now where technology will become so advanced that they will literally be able to read your minds. There will be zero privacy period.

If they are watching me that much, they have my profound sympathy. I'd like to take this moment to apologise to all the Spooks who I have driven to depression and potential suicide.
I live like I'm glad people are watching. I hope someone has to watch it all. Then someone else knows too.
Mid 50,s, they would be bored listening to me.