[BOXING] Shadowboxing with both foo foo dumbbells and leg weights?

I do around 30 minutes of shadow boxing a few times a week. I mix and match weights and nothing. I use the weights to shadowbox not to increase hand speed but to increase muscle endurance. At the end I'll even grab 20 lb dumbbells and shadow hand fight.

It becomes pretty strenuous and I give myself a 1 minute rest period between the rounds. I am trying to mimic a fight as much as possible.
20lbs sounds like you're begging to injure something.
I use the weights to shadowbox not to increase hand speed but to increase muscle endurance.

I agree with this to a point. I think there is a huge difference between shadowboxing with weights to increase speed and utilizing hand weights to increase shoulder muscle endurance.

The exercise movements for increasing shoulder muscle endurance is a different motion and should not put unnecessary strain on the joints. Your joints will thank you 30 years from now.

To increase speed: I believe in drilling technique to perfection and developing automatic skills. After that applying those skills at full speed whether by shadowboxing, heavy bag, double end bag, etc.
avoid ankle weights, they can damage your knees and ankles.
Only if your weight distribution sucks.
Don't worry Marvin, I use little 2lb weights as well. Its only damaging to the joints of the improperly trained. That said, many people are at risk and you're not likely one of them.
And for what it's worth it looks like Floyd is doing weighted-shadowboxing pyramids in this video (1:45):

speed rope should be highlighted in that video instead
that is what gives foowork amazing boost up
so simple, yet so effective
speed rope should be highlighted in that video instead

Eh I wasn't talking about the effectiveness of any particular exercise, just using the video as anecdotal evidence that weighted-shadowboxing isn't the devil.
2lb dumbbells isn't going to damage anything if you shadowbox with them, my muay thai trainer always had me use them.

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