Blue or White Collar work?

Working for myself. No collar.
I prefer blue collar work really. However, I've been doing white collar work for about 7 years now. Atleast when I did manual labor I was fit and tan. Now I'm behind a desk 10 hours per day M-Th
I worked for 10 years in the construction business right outta high school. Did everything from building dog houses to building houses, interior (electric, plumbing, drywall, etc) and exterior (roofing, vinyl/wood siding, framing).

I have worked the past 7 years in the IT business, sitting on my ass fixing problems across the united states remotely.

When it's anywhere from 50-80 degrees, I wish I was back at work outside in the fresh air. My body does not agree with this though. Everything hurt later in my career.

When it's freezing/raining/snowing or what not and super cold/hot, I am SUPER happy to be indoors sitting on my ass. My body does not agree with this though. Gained some weight and lost any tan I carried year round.
Desk Job - Estimating/Design/Project Management/Youtube
You're always working for someone. Money doesn't fall into your lap. If it does, do you have any openings available?

I work for myself. I did the hard work a few years ago, now I sit around and collect money most days of the week.
I work for myself. I did the hard work a few years ago, now I sit around and collect money most days of the week.
I'm an independent contractor. I too work for myself, but the money comes from some service to another.
I work for myself. I did the hard work a few years ago, now I sit around and collect money most days of the week.
that is similar to my situation. What industry are you in?
Ive never had a job where you sat down.

I dont think i would like that
I've always been white collar.
As a guy who loves the outdoors, it gets pretty hard sometimes to be stuck in an office all day, every day.
My office has a nice view to the golf course but it only makes me more eager to be outside having a beer rather than sitting here in a suit.

I've thought about changing professions to something more technical or physical.
But then again, I like nice things and doing fun things and this office job pays for those things, so here I am.
White collar for the money, which is what I do.
Would rather do blue collar work because it’s more enjoyable.
I'm a blue collar person working a white collar job for the last 20 years. I much prefer manual work, but I can't get a manual job around here making near what I make behind a computer as a design engineer.
That's me right there. I love being able to move around and do stuff, but the pay is nowhere close.
Desk jobs are for women. If you’re doing anything a women might be able to do better than you just go to the roof of the high rise you work in and jump off
White collar for the money, which is what I do.
Would rather do blue collar work because it’s more enjoyable.

What do you make ? People have this misconception that people in the trades don’t make good money. Couldn’t be further from reality.