Bisping vs Rockhold - The difference in Respect

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Yes, but Rockhold showed respect to Bisping after the fight,
Bisping did not.
There is the difference in personalities.
Yeah and then proceeded to say Bisping is "destined to be his bitch", that respect was clearly all bullshit. At least Bisping isn't a fake cuck trying to appease fangirls.
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I don't think they had a beef with each other for the first fight, so why would he not show respect?

Rockhold created the beef by disrespecting him before the 2nd fight. So why should Bisping show respect?
They had beef before the first fight you filthy casual.
I don't think they had a beef with each other for the first fight, so why would he not show respect?

Rockhold created the beef by disrespecting him before the 2nd fight. So why should Bisping show respect?

They both talked shit before first and the second fight.
Rockhold showed class after the fight, Bisping didn't.
You do realize that Bisping's "Fuck You" wasn't just to Rockhold but to all of the MMA fans around the world that have never given him the credit he deserves. I truly believe he is a clean fighter and has always been. He has come up a hair short every time he was close to a title shot but always lost to know juicers. Chael, Wanderlei, Vitor, Henderson are all known to have been on PEDs. The only losses at MW that were to guys not proven to be on juice in their career were Rockhold and Kennedy. The guy also put a huge amount of money in Rockhold and his bank accounts if Luke ever comes back for a rematch, title or no title that fight will sell. I hope Rashad comes up with an impressive MW debut as those two could rematch theri LHW fight.

Personally, I'm a bit tired of this narrative; Bisping vs the Steroid Gang doesn't move me. It's a weak excuse for the least convincing champion.

Bisping has never been considered the best guy at MW, or even one of the best guys. Look at his resume this decade. Until the title shot (which fell out of the sky) every time he fought a potential contender, he lost. The UFC would then give him a MUCH easier fight to try and get him back in the mix.

He beats Rockhold, kudos, that was a fantastic win, and then fights the number thirteen ranked guy in his first defense, who almost killed him.

I wouldn't complain about Bisping but him ignoring contenders to fight Hendo was inexcusable. If it was such an important fight he should have had it before he had the title. If Hendo wouldn't take it before he had the title, then I guess it wasn't such an important fight.
And so has hendo. Yet the "champ" bisping lobbied for a fight vs a 60 yr old hendo vs avenging a guy (vitor) who most recently ktfo out of you (the champ) and your opponent. LMFAO!!! Btw Vitor was available for the fight.
Hendo was offered the fight not Vitor. The reasoning behind the fight isn't some mystery. UFC wanted it too. 199 set the narrative.
Personally, I'm a bit tired of this narrative; Bisping vs the Steroid Gang doesn't move me. It's a weak excuse for the least convincing champion.

Bisping has never been considered the best guy at MW, or even one of the best guys. Look at his resume this decade. Until the title shot (which fell out of the sky) every time he fought a potential contender, he lost. The UFC would then give him a MUCH easier fight to try and get him back in the mix.

He beats Rockhold, kudos, that was a fantastic win, and then fights the number thirteen ranked guy in his first defense, who almost killed him.

I wouldn't complain about Bisping but him ignoring contenders to fight Hendo was inexcusable. If it was such an important fight he should have had it before he had the title. If Hendo wouldn't take it before he had the title, then I guess it wasn't such an important fight.
In fairness Hendo nearly kills pretty much anyone he goes against if he lands that right hand. Bisping still stuck to striking and beat him which is more than can be said for how others have beaten Hendo.

At the end of the day there were some conflicts on who the top contender was at the time and this was essentially a gimmicky fight for the fans that meant a huge amount to both fighters in order to kill some time until the contenders solidified their spot. Was it deserved? Not really. Did it make sense? Kind of. Did it do any harm? Absolutely not. The top contenders are now sorted and he's set to defend it against a genuine opponent.

At least he risked the belt and defended it in the mean time rather than sitting back and doing fuck all until Weidman and Romero were finished. Yet he gets less recognition as a genuine champion than McGregor does who played "where the fuck is he?" for a year with the FW belt and went 1-1 at an irrelevant weight category against the #5 LW, then jumped the queue and has yet to make a single defense for either belt...c'mon. Bisping is more deserving than most and is willing to fight anyone. Guy has one eye and he'd fight a silverback if you told him to.
Hendo was offered the fight not Vitor. The reasoning behind the fight isn't some mystery. UFC wanted it too. 199 set the narrative.
That is the point. How convenient for bisping and ufc. The exact same narrative would have been the same for Vitor. Ufc just wanted to play it safe with hendo vs bisping.
We're supposed to commend Rockhold because he is "respectful" when he wins, even though he's the biggest crybaby in the sport about his losses? ok lol.
That is the point. How convenient for bisping and ufc. The exact same narrative would have been the same for Vitor. Ufc just wanted to play it safe with hendo vs bisping.
Nah. The first Hendo/Bisping bout was iconic. Rematch ended up being excellent too.
Bisping always lets his emotions get the best of him. I'm not a Rockhold fan, but Bisping was definitely out of line here.
Nah. The first Hendo/Bisping bout was iconic. Rematch ended up being excellent too.
By excellent, do you mean robbery and screwjob? Hendo won that fight, just like A silva beat bisping.
Luke needs to leave AKA before they wreck what is left of his career. That place is like training with knives hanging over your head..
Luke's massive cockiness and arrogance got him ktfo. Bisping is a dick but he showed respect by training his ass off and putting his hands up and not clowning around.
Yeah and then proceeded to say Bisping is "destined to be his bitch", that respect was clearly all bullshit. At least Bisping isn't a fake cuck trying to appease fangirls.
Do you not understand the fight game? Bisping always disrespects his opponent before the fight. By your logic Bisping is a fake cuck trying to appease fangirls because he was respectful to Hendo after their second fight.
Do you not understand the fight game? Bisping always disrespects his opponent before the fight. By your logic Bisping is a fake cuck trying to appease fangirls because he was respectful to Hendo after their second fight.
He's a wind-up merchant, that's what they do. And have you seen Henderson's career!? I'm pretty sure he's earned a decent farewell.

Pride comes before a fall.

Bisping should know this already.
I enjoy the revisionist history. Bisping has always been a salty disrespectful bag. Let's not for get one of the dirtiest fighters in the sport.