Bisping: If you believe Jesus walked on water, you can believe I'm going to KO Rockhold

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im a christian funny how far people go though to dis jesus and god though if they dont believe then just dont comment and ignore it
Science proves that the universe and living systems were designed and created.

DNA proves the design of living systems. The fine-tuning of the universe proves the design of the universe.

DNA is an extremely highly specified and complex code which provides the instructions for a nano-manufacturing plant to build proteins for living cells. Proteins have a wide range of function in the cell; such as, building components of the cell to harvesting energy.

There are complex molecular machines, like the bacteria flagellum, that are irreducibly complex, meaning if one part is removed or damaged in the system then the system is either degraded or fails to function.

These machines in the cells of living systems are built part by part in a nano-manufacturing plant using the code inside the DNA molecule. There are codes instructing the machine to start assembling parts in specific orders and instructing when to stop the assembly. There are spell checker type enzymes searching and correcting errors in the code, there is copying and transporting of the code. DNA has nested coding. DNA has a files within folders hierarchical structure. A senior software engineer with Microsoft once said DNA follows design strategies similar to those used by their software programmers but one far more advanced than they have been able to devise.

The specific genetic instructions to build a protein in even the simplest one celled organism would fill hundreds of pages of printed text.

Watch the 3 minute and 34 second video below on how DNA works if you are interested (there is an excellent and easy to understand computer generated model showing how DNA works in this short video):

Another longer video is below:

Regarding the fine tuning of the entire universe, there are approximately 20 constants of the universe which are fine-tuned; such that, if these mathematical figures were off by the most smallest fraction of a percent, life as we know it would not exist. The most finely tuned figure is the cosmological constant (energy density of the vacuum of space) which is fine tuned to an order of magnitude of 1:10^120. If that figure was off by that small a value, there would be no life. To give you an idea of the size of that number, there are approximately 10^80 elementary particles in the known universe and there have been 10^16 seconds since the creation of the universe in the Big Bang approximately 13.8 billion years ago. By the way, back to DNA, the probability of building a short functional protein from amino acids is 1 X 10^164. Just amazing!
While that was more reading than I wanted to do this morning, it was an interesting read none the less lol. The universe is truly an amazing thing, the sheer vastness and mystery of it is awe inspiring. With over 100 billion planets in our galaxy alone. My only wish was that we had the means to open up all of its secrets. There are a lot of closed and narrow minded people on this planet who are truly missing out on what this universe really has to offer.
Why does he have to get Jesus involved in this?

And to compare himself to Jesus in any way

His ego sounds out of control - not good
I took it a completely different way, not that he was comparing himself to jesus.

But so many people were saying bisping had ZERO CHANCE. So bisping is saying , look it's just to a fight. If you can believe in any of Jesus miracles , then surely you can see that bisping could win this fight and it wouldn't be a miracle.

The problem is when someone brings up Jesus usually Christians get clouded and angry and have trouble parsing the message
"A broken clock is correct twice a day"
Rockhold got sloppy and Bisping capitalized. Congrats to Bisping (Still hate the f*cker). I believe he won't it past his 1st title defense.
Why does he have to get Jesus involved in this?

And to compare himself to Jesus in any way

His ego sounds out of control - not good

Pretty sure the point is that people will believe in things that are impossible, but they are quick to write off things that we know can actually happen.

He was right, by the way.

Science proves that the universe and living systems were designed and created.

DNA proves the design of living systems. The fine-tuning of the universe proves the design of the universe.

DNA is an extremely highly specified and complex code which provides the instructions for a nano-manufacturing plant to build proteins for living cells. Proteins have a wide range of function in the cell; such as, building components of the cell to harvesting energy.

There are complex molecular machines, like the bacteria flagellum, that are irreducibly complex, meaning if one part is removed or damaged in the system then the system is either degraded or fails to function.

These machines in the cells of living systems are built part by part in a nano-manufacturing plant using the code inside the DNA molecule. There are codes instructing the machine to start assembling parts in specific orders and instructing when to stop the assembly. There are spell checker type enzymes searching and correcting errors in the code, there is copying and transporting of the code. DNA has nested coding. DNA has a files within folders hierarchical structure. A senior software engineer with Microsoft once said DNA follows design strategies similar to those used by their software programmers but one far more advanced than they have been able to devise.

The specific genetic instructions to build a protein in even the simplest one celled organism would fill hundreds of pages of printed text.

Watch the 3 minute and 34 second video below on how DNA works if you are interested (there is an excellent and easy to understand computer generated model showing how DNA works in this short video):

Another longer video is below:

Regarding the fine tuning of the entire universe, there are approximately 20 constants of the universe which are fine-tuned; such that, if these mathematical figures were off by the most smallest fraction of a percent, life as we know it would not exist. The most finely tuned figure is the cosmological constant (energy density of the vacuum of space) which is fine tuned to an order of magnitude of 1:10^120. If that figure was off by that small a value, there would be no life. To give you an idea of the size of that number, there are approximately 10^80 elementary particles in the known universe and there have been 10^16 seconds since the creation of the universe in the Big Bang approximately 13.8 billion years ago. By the way, back to DNA, the probability of building a short functional protein from amino acids is 1 X 10^164. Just amazing!

None of this proves Jesus.
While that was more reading than I wanted to do this morning, it was an interesting read none the less lol. The universe is truly an amazing thing, the sheer vastness and mystery of it is awe inspiring. With over 100 billion planets in our galaxy alone. My only wish was that we had the means to open up all of its secrets. There are a lot of closed and narrow minded people on this planet who are truly missing out on what this universe really has to offer.

Glad to hear you took the time to read that. Yeah, the universe is enormous, that is for sure. 100 billion planets in our galaxy and 100 billion galaxies in the universe are the latest scientific estimates. The vastness of it boggles the mind.
Science proves that the universe and living systems were designed and created.

DNA proves the design of living systems. The fine-tuning of the universe proves the design of the universe.

DNA is an extremely highly specified and complex code which provides the instructions for a nano-manufacturing plant to build proteins for living cells. Proteins have a wide range of function in the cell; such as, building components of the cell to harvesting energy.

There are complex molecular machines, like the bacteria flagellum, that are irreducibly complex, meaning if one part is removed or damaged in the system then the system is either degraded or fails to function.

These machines in the cells of living systems are built part by part in a nano-manufacturing plant using the code inside the DNA molecule. There are codes instructing the machine to start assembling parts in specific orders and instructing when to stop the assembly. There are spell checker type enzymes searching and correcting errors in the code, there is copying and transporting of the code. DNA has nested coding. DNA has a files within folders hierarchical structure. A senior software engineer with Microsoft once said DNA follows design strategies similar to those used by their software programmers but one far more advanced than they have been able to devise.

The specific genetic instructions to build a protein in even the simplest one celled organism would fill hundreds of pages of printed text.

Watch the 3 minute and 34 second video below on how DNA works if you are interested (there is an excellent and easy to understand computer generated model showing how DNA works in this short video):

Another longer video is below:

Regarding the fine tuning of the entire universe, there are approximately 20 constants of the universe which are fine-tuned; such that, if these mathematical figures were off by the most smallest fraction of a percent, life as we know it would not exist. The most finely tuned figure is the cosmological constant (energy density of the vacuum of space) which is fine tuned to an order of magnitude of 1:10^120. If that figure was off by that small a value, there would be no life. To give you an idea of the size of that number, there are approximately 10^80 elementary particles in the known universe and there have been 10^16 seconds since the creation of the universe in the Big Bang approximately 13.8 billion years ago. By the way, back to DNA, the probability of building a short functional protein from amino acids is 1 X 10^164. Just amazing!

There has to be a successful intelligent observer to even acknowledge lift exists, so it doesn't matter how unlikely it was for life to develop perfectly. Maybe the universe was created and destroyed an unimaginable number of times, any successful life it creates will think it's special and that there's no way it could have been created unless by intelligent design because any form of life that doesn't develop this far won't have an opinion in it.
I took it a completely different way, not that he was comparing himself to jesus.

But so many people were saying bisping had ZERO CHANCE. So bisping is saying , look it's just to a fight. If you can believe in any of Jesus miracles , then surely you can see that bisping could win this fight and it wouldn't be a miracle.

The problem is when someone brings up Jesus usually Christians get clouded and angry and have trouble parsing the message

It's still comparing a knock out win in a fight to Jesus' walking on water

way different spectrum things
im a christian funny how far people go though to dis jesus and god though if they dont believe then just dont comment and ignore it
It takes two to tango.

When people say they dont believe in god, do christians just ignore it? If they did, there wouldnt be a lit of these arguments. So they do the same thing. On the other hand, if christians werent telling everyone theur opinion, athiests wouldnt have anything to chime in to.

Both sides start the conversations. Both sides chime in.
me as a person i dont i dont go out of my way to say what i am but if someone ask me ill tell them but muslims now... we should bash them for sure...
Science proves that the universe and living systems were designed and created.

DNA proves the design of living systems. The fine-tuning of the universe proves the design of the universe.

DNA is an extremely highly specified and complex code which provides the instructions for a nano-manufacturing plant to build proteins for living cells. Proteins have a wide range of function in the cell; such as, building components of the cell to harvesting energy.

There are complex molecular machines, like the bacteria flagellum, that are irreducibly complex, meaning if one part is removed or damaged in the system then the system is either degraded or fails to function.

These machines in the cells of living systems are built part by part in a nano-manufacturing plant using the code inside the DNA molecule. There are codes instructing the machine to start assembling parts in specific orders and instructing when to stop the assembly. There are spell checker type enzymes searching and correcting errors in the code, there is copying and transporting of the code. DNA has nested coding. DNA has a files within folders hierarchical structure. A senior software engineer with Microsoft once said DNA follows design strategies similar to those used by their software programmers but one far more advanced than they have been able to devise.

The specific genetic instructions to build a protein in even the simplest one celled organism would fill hundreds of pages of printed text.

Watch the 3 minute and 34 second video below on how DNA works if you are interested (there is an excellent and easy to understand computer generated model showing how DNA works in this short video):

Another longer video is below:

Regarding the fine tuning of the entire universe, there are approximately 20 constants of the universe which are fine-tuned; such that, if these mathematical figures were off by the most smallest fraction of a percent, life as we know it would not exist. The most finely tuned figure is the cosmological constant (energy density of the vacuum of space) which is fine tuned to an order of magnitude of 1:10^120. If that figure was off by that small a value, there would be no life. To give you an idea of the size of that number, there are approximately 10^80 elementary particles in the known universe and there have been 10^16 seconds since the creation of the universe in the Big Bang approximately 13.8 billion years ago. By the way, back to DNA, the probability of building a short functional protein from amino acids is 1 X 10^164. Just amazing!

"In living cells, most catalysts are protein enzymes, composed of amino acids, but in the 1980s another kind of catalyst was discovered. These are RNA molecules composed of nucleotides that are now called ribozymes. /.../

For the purposes of today’s column I will go through the probability calculation that a specific ribozyme might assemble by chance. Assume that the ribozyme is 300 nucleotides long, and that at each position there could be any of four nucleotides present. The chances of that ribozyme assembling are then 4^300, a number so large that it could not possibly happen by chance even once in 13 billion years, the age of the universe.

But life DID begin! Could we be missing something?

The answer, of course, is yes, we are. The calculation assumes that a single specific ribozyme must be synthesized for life to begin, but that’s not how it works. Instead, let’s make the plausible assumption that an enormous number of random polymers are synthesized, which are then subject to selection and evolution. /.../ we can test it. /.../

After only 4 rounds of selection and amplification they began to see an increase in catalytic activity, and after 10 rounds the rate was 7 million times faster than the uncatalyzed rate. It was even possible to watch the RNA evolve. /.../ Some came to dominate the reaction, while others went extinct.

By the way, this is the same basic logic that breeders use when they select for a property such as coat color in dogs."

Read Bartel and Szostak, published in Science in 1993.

Read full column:

No gods, no monsters, no aliens needed.
one of this proves Jesus.

DNA & fine-tuning of the universe proves the existence of the design of living systems and the universe.

Science reaches a plateau at this point and it becomes necessary to step into theology to search for answers. There are three religions which teach a practical system of creation; Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.

However, the Islam creation story is not backed by science at all. Genesis provides a unified description of Creation; the Qur'an does not. Instead, fragmented passages are scattered across many of its 114 chapters (‘Sura’). The Qur'an claims man was created in Paradise, not on earth, and the first couple were later banished to earth, which science proves otherwise. The Qur'an describes the earth being formed before the stars and from "smoke" or material that pre-dates stars which science proves otherwise (there is no stage of the universe which involved smoke nor did the earth and heavens come together at any point of time (earth is part of the universe developed within). The Qur'an mentions numerous times that the sun and the moon travel in an orbit, but does not mention once that the earth does too. This is consistent with an earth-centered (geocentric) view of the cosmos that places a motionless earth at the center of the universe and all "heavenly bodies" travel around the earth. The Qur'an assumes a flat earth which has physical places into which the sun sets and rises from. The Qur'an inaccurately does not differentiate between stars (giant balls of gas thousands of times larger than the earth) and meteorites which are small rocky masses of debris which brighten up after entering the earth's atmosphere. The Qur'an and Hadith claim that the moon was miraculously split into two pieces, and then, presumably, put back together again. There is absolutely no scientific evidence whatsoever that the moon has ever been split into two. The Qur'an claims there are 7 heavens and 7 planets in the universe, which is in direct conflict with science. The Qur'an claims the sun is a flat disk and can be folded up. The Qur'an claims the sky is a tent/dome which it clearly is not. There are numerous other scientific inaccuracies in the Qur'an included in the following website;

Only Christianity and Judaism have a scientifically backed creation story and an untouchable scientific basis throughout the scriptures. The Book of Genesis clearly matches with the scientific explanation of the creation of the universe, the stars, the earth, the sun, the moon, the planets, the plants, and life. See the following chart for a breakdown of creation in the Bible compared to science; . Old Earth Creationism is backed by science. There is limited evolution, meaning change over time, but living systems and the universe as a whole were designed and created as proven by DNA and the fine-tuning of the universe.

There is only one source which prophesizes (foretells) thousands of years of this world's history, with astounding precision, written in an encoded symbolic language; and that source is the Bible. The Book of Daniel and the Book of Revelation, in particular, are amazing when properly interpreted, in addition to all the other prophecies. The prophecy symbols are available at; These symbols are the keys to unlocking the code of the Book, as the Bible interprets itself.

In fact, DNA for all human beings is being traced back to a single man and a single women:

Jesus is backed historically by a number of top historians:

Jesus fulfilled numerous Old Testament prophecies:
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The alien myth is just a myth. If aliens created DNA and us, then they would have to be as complex or more complex then we are, which begs the question, who designed the aliens. Also, the entire universe is clearly designed. To say the universe is fine-tuned on a razors edge is a vast vast understatement since it is fine-tuned to levels way beyond comprehension. An Intelligence outside the boundaries of the universe designed and created the universe.

Unfortunately you've just introduced an infinite series (the "it's turtles all the way down" series). Who designed the intelligent designer (who by your argument has to as or more complex than the designed aliens). And who designed the designer of the intelligent designer. And so on, ad infinitum.

This has been gone over for centuries, and the conclusion is always the same - the argument from design is an infinite recession unless someone postulates (or defines if you prefer) a first cause. And anyone can arbitrarily define anything as the first cause (that's the nature of a postulate). It could be God, it could be an infinite universe (the multiverse hypothesis for instance is physically consistent with our current physics), it could be the Flying Spagetti monster, it could be a random quantum fluctuation (yes, that's there as a physical option, its possible according to quantum theory, as anyone with grad level physics will assure you). Take your pick.
It's still comparing a knock out win in a fight to Jesus' walking on water

way different spectrum things
Is it really a comparison? One is something that is physically impossible, yet people believe it. The other is something that is actually possible, but nobody believed it could happen.

Unless Bisping was saying it would take a miracle to knock Rockhold out, I dont think he was comparing himself to Jesus.
The alien myth is just a myth. If aliens created DNA and us, then they would have to be as complex or more complex then we are, which begs the question, who designed the aliens. Also, the entire universe is clearly designed. To say the universe is fine-tuned on a razors edge is a vast vast understatement since it is fine-tuned to levels way beyond comprehension. An Intelligence outside the boundaries of the universe designed and created the universe.

Yet you fail to see the same argument goes for your "intelligent creator".
Using a bisping victory as a trojan horse to spread the name of god has to be a first
It's still comparing a knock out win in a fight to Jesus' walking on water

way different spectrum things
he's not comparing his ability to Jesus, and That's the fucking point that they are on different ends of a spectrum

If you can believe in the thing on the far miracle side of the spectrum, then why do you have so much trouble believing in the thing on the normal everyday life of the spectrum?
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