Bikes and Barbells: failure it's always an option.

Tue 31 / 01 / 2017 - BW: 89.8 kg

TGU: 16 - 20 - 24x3 kg

- Power Clean & Jerk:
Jerks: 40 x3 - 45 x3 - 50 x3 - 55 x3 - 60 x3 - 62.5 x 1 - 65 kg x 1+f+f
PC only: 70 x 3 - 75 x 3 - 75 x some fails some sucesses

- DB Bench 5 x 8 x 22.5 kg DBs + Ring rows 5x8 - abs (trx rollout / knee raises)

- BSS: 3 x 8 x 22.5 kg DBs + Dips 3x5

Was sluggish after 10 days off the gym (i've been doing something, BW and KB stuff but...).
Still doing daily pushups.
No much motivation to go to the gym but a half-decent workout.

Fri 3 / 2 / 17 - BW: 90kg

TGU: 16 - 20 - 24 - 28 kg first time getting up with the 28kg.

- Front Squat:
planned to do 3 x 5 x 87.5. Did 3 x 87.5 kg, didn't like my form, then 2 x 5 x 85 kg and 4 x 87.5 kg (better this time). Belted.
- Incline Bench: 5 x 5 x 50 kg + Pullups: 6 kg x 6-5-5-5-6 + landmine abs
- KB Swing: 32kg one-handed, 10x10 in 5'35" (15" work + 25" rest)
- Farmer's walk: 4 x 25m x 45 kg DBs
Sun 05 / 02 / 2017 - BW: 89.8 kg

Turkish Getups: 16 - 20 - 24- 28 kg

- Power Clean & Jerk:
3 x 40 - 3 x 50 - 3 x 55 - 3 x 60 - 2 x 62.5 - 1 x 65
PC only:
3 x 70 - 3 x 75 - F-F-1-X x 85 (misloaded, ment to be 80) - 3 x 70 kg

- DB Bench: 3 x 5 x 25kg DBs - 4 x 25kg DBS - 6 x 22.5 kg DBs + 5 x 8 ring rows + (knee raises and trx rollouts)

- BSS: 3 x 5 x 25kg DBs
+ Dips 6-6-5

- Zercher carries
from floor for 20m aprox: 70 kg - 80 kg - 90kg - 100kg - 105kg

Little progress across the board so that's good. PC&J felt better than lately (because lately it was sucking balls).

@SexyMahnaz as the resident zercher fanatic, couple of questions: 1.- What's the difference between tour back squat and your zercher squat from the floor? The pickup it's the hardest thing of the carries. 2.- Any tips to improve it apart from doing more of it? Thanks!
I don't backsquat so I couldn't say. You're doing the carries with a barbell right? If you want to use more weight without having to pick it up you could just take it off the rack, or use a yoke if your gym has one. But being able to just pick it up off the ground is half the fun imo ;)

Tips - the initial movement is just a deadlift, so you're fine with that. For the zercher part try to use your quads & core in unison. Keep your elbows in fairly close to your body, & keep everything tight. I much prefer clasping my hands together rather than just sticking them out straight. Practice is best, but for assistance I like Bulgarian split squats for the quads which you already do, & the pallof press for the core which I think I've seen you do too.
I don't backsquat so I couldn't say. You're doing the carries with a barbell right? If you want to use more weight without having to pick it up you could just take it off the rack, or use a yoke if your gym has one. But being able to just pick it up off the ground is half the fun imo ;)

Tips - the initial movement is just a deadlift, so you're fine with that. For the zercher part try to use your quads & core in unison. Keep your elbows in fairly close to your body, & keep everything tight. I much prefer clasping my hands together rather than just sticking them out straight. Practice is best, but for assistance I like Bulgarian split squats for the quads which you already do, & the pallof press for the core which I think I've seen you do too.

Yeah, picking it up is half the fun! Also, no yokes and picking it off the rack wouldn't be possible unless the gym is empty... i usually do them in the room the gym uses for some group classes.

I feel like I goodmoruning the shit out of my zercher squats, but in video doesn't seem that bad. Maybe I need to focus on keeping the chest up and bring the bar closer.
If you're good morning it up you could be mistiming it a little which will just get better with practice, or maybe your quads don't quite have the strength yet to keep grinding it up. I've never really thought about what my chest does, but elbows in to keep the bar closer definitely helps.
Thu 9 / 2 / 17

TGU: 16 - 20 - 24 (failed the 24 with the left hand). WTF, first time I fail one of this.

- Front Squat: 3 x 5 x 87.5 kg -
5 x 60

- Pullups 3 x 5 x 8kg + some military pressing + some abs

Fuck, I've got no drive to train lately. Anyway, at least made it to the gym and the squat were ok.
Fri 10 / 2 / 17 - BW: 89.4 kg

Bike ride: 22h 7min - 38.6 km - 18.2 km/h - 240m elevation

Just a spin with my brother to test the new configuration of my bike: it's going full retro mode to participate in Eroica Hispania, 195 km in pre-1987 bikes with lots of gravel roads. 650b x 38mm tires just eat gravel.

Tue 14 / 2 / 17 - BW: 89.0 kg

TGU: 16-20-24kg

Front Squat: 5 x 85 - 5 x 87.5 - 5 x 90

OHP: 5 x 5 x 40 kg + Pullups 5 x 5 x 8kg + band pallof press

Getting back in the groove.
I'm not logging anything because it's sunny and somewhat warm and I riding my bike everyday I can... and logging those is boring. I need to sharpen my form for a long sportive in June.
rain and crappy weather is back.

Mon 27 / 2 / 2017 - BW: 88.0 kg

- Bench Press: 3 x 8 x 55 kg last set 15 reps (+6 rep PR!) + band facepulls
- Pendlay Row: 3 x 8 x 55 kg last set 9 reps + landmine abs 20kg
- OHP: 30 kg 10-10-6 reps + pullups 6-6-5 reps
- DB Bench: 3 x 10 x 15kg DBs + DB Row 3 x 12 x 15kg DB
- Battle rope finisher: 3 x 15" all out

Back to my old routine with upper/lower split, I just like it better.

Also, after 2 and a half months of not bench pressing at all, I've done 6 m,ore reps with this weight than ever before. Ok, my bench sucks. Ok, my all rep PR with 55kg was done a while back and after that I did improve my bench. But it's been a while not training seriously, just some incline and DB pressing.... so it must be the daily pushups all February that did the trick. So... happy.

Tue 28 / 2 / 17 - BW: 87.8 kg

- Sumo DL: 3 x 6 x 135 kg
last set AMRAP x 9 (straps and belt for that)
- Paused Squat: 6 x 4 x 85 kg
- Front Squat: 3 x 8 x 55 kg
- Farmers Walk; 45kg DBs x 25m x 4
Thu 2 3 / 17 - BW: 88.8 kg

- OHP: 3 x 8 x 35 kg last set 10 reps
- Chins: 3 x 8 x bw last set 9 reps

- Spoto Press: 6 x 4 x 60 kg + Kroc rows: 20kg (10 reps) - 25 (10) - 30 kg (20 reps) - 34 kg (9 reps)
- KB Swing&Clean&Press: 1 min on 2 min rest x 3: 16 kg - 20 kg - 20kg (6 reps per hand)
Sat 04 / 03 / 2017 - BW: 88.2 kg

- Squat: 3 x 8 x 90 kg last set 10 reps belted. Felt horrible, the last one a little better. My left adductors where killing me and i was dropping way to slow, without confidence, misgrooved...
- Hip thrust: 3 x 8 x 120 kg last set 10 reps
- Conv DL EMOM: 2 reps 10 rounds 120 kg easy
- Zercher squats (couldn't do carries) 2 x 70 kg - 2 x 80 - 2 x 90 - 1 x 100 - 2 x 105 kg Calling them squats but could've said good-mournings... watch below

Sun 05 / 03 / 2017 - BW: 88-1 kg

- Pendlay Row: 3 x 5 x 60 kg last set 10 reps
+ stir the pot abs
- Bench Press: 3 x 5 x 60 kg last set 10 reps + band facepulls. Had to use a really shitty bench
- OHP 3x10x30 kg + pullups 8-6-5
- DBs Bench 3 x 12 x 15kg DBs + DB row 3 x 15 x 15kg
- Battle rope finisher: 3 x 15" all out
The sun is back so I'm back on the bike. Today it was like 3 hour ride, good fun and ended at dawn with a great view over the city. No pics, sadly.
Thu 23 / 3 / 17 - BW: 86.5 kg

- Sumo DL: 3 x 4 x 140 kg last set 5 reps
- Paused Squat: 6 x 4 x 80 jg took it easy here
- Front Squat: 3 x 8 x 55 kg
- Farmer's Walk: 40kg DBs for some

After 2 weeks of increedibly good weather, hot and sunny, yesetrday the cold was back and today it was snowing... so went back to the gym and lifted some. I've been ridding the bike a lot and form is increasing quickly.

Also, build a a "new" bike for myself, :)))))) With DIY tool wrap and front bag included!

Parque.jpeg Parque 4.jpeg Parque 2.png
Fri 24 / 3 / 17 - BW: 87.2 kg

- OHP: 3 x 5 x 37.5 kg last set 8 reps + Chins: 3 x 5 x 8kg last set 7 reps
- Spoto Press: 4 x 6 x 60 kg + Kroc Rows: 20kg (10 reps) - 25kg (10) - 30kg (20 reps) - 34kg (10 reps) - 20kg 2x8
- KB complex (swing-clean-press). 2 min on - 2 min off, x3 (12 reps per hand)

Not bad. Some discomfort on my lower back from yerterday's

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