Law Biden furious with garland and may soon replace him (also wants to throw Mayorkas under the bus)

Why would you hope he would? You just claimed that doing so would be a dictator move.

You're tipping your hat again comrade.

Well he's trailing in every poll that matters. And I think your awful predictions have turned more middle of the road posters blue than anyone else.
What polls that matter? Trump is leading in many polls especially on immigration which is has become the most important issue for United State citizens.
Could you quote where I asserted he did in fact have dementia? Hmm...didn't say it. If 75% of people think he doesn't have the stamina and sharpness to effectively be president, why would it matter if there's a dementia diagnosis? That wasn't the question, nor my assertion. Which of course you know.

Do you not understand the English language? The word "and" is pretty claiming it's me "in the hole" is comedy gold. The question is right there Jack. If they were asking only if he he had the stamina, why include "sharpness"? Can't wait for this reply LMFAO.
Dude, just leave him be. You're never going to get a concession out of him. He'll just continue to lie and troll. We don't need another ten pages of this shit. He's a lying hack. We all know this. You can't expose him any more than he's already been exposed.

He is currently saying Republicans want to murder people in another thread, so take that as a victory. Clearly this whole thing has gotten to him, and he's even angrier and more unhinged than he previously was.
Could you quote where I asserted he did in fact have dementia? Hmm...didn't say it. If 75% of people think he doesn't have the stamina and sharpness to effectively be president, why would it matter if there's a dementia diagnosis? That wasn't the question, nor my assertion. Which of course you know.

Do you not understand the English language? The word "and" is pretty claiming it's me "in the hole" is comedy gold. The question is right there Jack. If they were asking only if he he had the stamina, why include "sharpness"? Can't wait for this reply LMFAO.
You're reacting hysterically to someone who just doesn't buy the incredibly ugly approach of the GOP to try to win an election. I saw the exact same thing, involving a lot of the same individual hacks, when I didn't buy that Clinton had people murdered or was doing child sex trafficking out of the basement of a pizza place that didn't have a basement. And before that, you same sleazes were saying that Obama secretly wasn't born in America. You guys have no shame and no sense of honor, and the stain is not going away.
You're reacting hysterically to someone who just doesn't buy the incredibly ugly approach of the GOP to try to win an election. I saw the exact same thing, involving a lot of the same individual hacks, when I didn't buy that Clinton had people murdered or was doing child sex trafficking out of the basement of a pizza place that didn't have a basement. And before that, you same sleazes were saying that Obama secretly wasn't born in America. You guys have no shame and no sense of honor, and the stain is not going away.

You're wrong dude. When asked for specifics, this is the reply. It's essentially a concession so I'm good now.
is lying about stuff supposed to be a bad thing? asking for a trumpy friend.

i bet lyin' joe has told enough lies that you could even put up a mural along a new york street containing 20,000 of his lies that he told in just a 4 year timespan!


republicans seem to love that shit. the more a guy lies, the more they'll want to vote for him. get lying joe! build that wall of lies and make the trump campaign pay dearly for it at the polls!


You're wrong dude. When asked for specifics, this is the reply. It's essentially a concession so I'm good now.
I mean, you already admitted that stamina was in the question and thus that you were lying so I'm not sure what you're still trying to argue about. And now you're tagging Heretic. That's hilarious. I remember when you tried to present yourself as a sane rightist who wasn't a raging hack.
I mean, you already admitted that stamina was in the question and thus that you were lying so I'm not sure what you're still trying to argue about. And now you're tagging Heretic. That's hilarious. I remember when you tried to present yourself as a sane rightist who wasn't a raging hack.
Why did they include "sharpness" at all, Jackie boy?

Don't pretend to not understand English to look like less a liar, too. Won't work.
I mean, you already admitted that stamina was in the question and thus that you were lying so I'm not sure what you're still trying to argue about. And now you're tagging Heretic. That's hilarious. I remember when you tried to present yourself as a sane rightist who wasn't a raging hack.

joe biden has stamina for days. his wife still shares a bedroom with him.
They want to get a bigger group, mkessie boy. Now tag Super Nintendo.
A "bigger group" of what? Are you okay? They can poll the same amount of people and leave that out. Or simply ask 2 separate questions. They didn't, and you know why. I'm don't highjacking this thread...though if you want me to keep humiliating you I'm happy to do so in the thread where you first started to unravel. I'll even tag you.
A "bigger group" of what?
Of positive responses? Was that not obvious?

Are you okay? They can poll the same amount of people and leave that out. Or simply ask 2 separate questions. They didn't, and you know why. I'm don't highjacking this thread...though if you want me to keep humiliating you I'm happy to do so in the thread where you first started to unravel. I'll even tag you.
I know why and I said why. Not sure why you think I'd be humiliated by you foaming at the mouth and trying to dig out of your lies. Shit, in this thread, you even tried to back out of your central claim (that the GOP "dementia" smear is correct)!

It's been hilarious watching you turn into Super Nintendo Jr.
A "bigger group" of what? Are you okay? They can poll the same amount of people and leave that out. Or simply ask 2 separate questions. They didn't, and you know why. I'm don't highjacking this thread...though if you want me to keep humiliating you I'm happy to do so in the thread where you first started to unravel. I'll even tag you.

you and jack should compete in a slapfights bout. i would watch that shit.
and he's even angrier and more unhinged than he previously was.

woah woah, tag this nsfw please

Let me ask you both, as you have chimed into this thread. In your opinion, is Biden mumbling that he wants to fire Garland because trump is not yet in jail and his son is actually being investigated.

Straight to the point, do you find those the actions of a wannabe dictator?

If yes, was that clearly evident in my OP? If yes, is anyone deflecting from my point of him being a wannabe dictator to that because simply for firing garland retarded? Please just yes or no answers.
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holy shit. it's a good thing that robert hur and the fbi didn't see this meme or they would have indicted this crackhead. what a shame.


You're making this way too easy...

It's not even fun anymore
Let me ask you both, as you have chimed into this thread. In your opinion, is Biden mumbling that he wants to fire Garland because trump is not yet in jail and his son is actually being investigated.

Straight to the point, do you find those the actions of a wannabe dictator?

If yes, was that clearly evident in my OP? If yes, is anyone deflecting from my point to him being a wannabe dictator simply for firing garland retarded? Please just yes or no answers.

he wants to fire garland because garland is trying to run election interference. is normal.

You're making this way too easy...

It's not even fun anymore

not even a conservative cry-cry meme for me this time? you're really owning me hard there skeeter. how's brandon doing? have they indicted him yet?
Is it all that unreasonable?

I'm also upset that a former president who literally attempted a coup has not yet been prosecuted for it.

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