Best grappling sock for mats? (yes, I used the search function)

I've been using hospital socks for my grappling. They are tight cause they are one size, which actually helps keep them on. They also have grips on the bottom. Dorky I know, but effective none the less.
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Looks interesting. Anyone ever try these? Wow..they're really expensive at $70 though.

I had a pair of the thinnest soled ones. Great for me who has a fondness for walking barefoot but lives in the city. Mechanically they would work for rolling, the problem would be hygiene. You can wash them, but they don't hold up to washing all that well. If you tried to wash them several times a week, they would probably fall apart within a month or two. Plus, they start to smell pretty awful when just being used as regular shoes, and washing only does so much. I can't even imagine the kind of funk and diseases that would develop in them if you tried to use them as grappling shoes.