Belt question

The fact that they usually sell replacement leevrs on most webs tells a lot about them.

Anyway, the order is already palced. Weighlifting shoes, 13mm single prong belt, wrist wraps and deadlifting socks. Quite exited to try all of it!!

Thanks guys.
I've been using a single prong 10mm best belt for around 10 years now, it's been awesome.
Is it dumb to lift without a belt? I always figured that if I can't lift the weight without support, then I should be using less weight.
Is it dumb to lift without a belt? I always figured that if I can't lift the weight without support, then I should be using less weight.
If you can brace your core tightly at heavier loads, then you won't need it. Some guys lift belt-less. I don't put on the belt until its around 75-80% of my 1RM (squats/deads)
The belt isn't a tool to boost your numbers. Thats a slingshot or bench shirt.
Is it dumb to lift without a belt? I always figured that if I can't lift the weight without support, then I should be using less weight.

The belt isn't something for injury prevention. At the same point in time it's not like a squat suit or some equally ridiculous example. Use it if you want or not.

Why would you figure that?
Because if I'm limited by my own body at a certain weight, then I should work on that weakest link of my body, whether it be my core, wrists, or other joints.. I haven't researched it very much, but I probably should. Do you disagree? I'm a noob at weight lifting.
Because if I'm limited by my own body at a certain weight, then I should work on that weakest link of my body, whether it be my core, wrists, or other joints.. I haven't researched it very much, but I probably should. Do you disagree? I'm a noob at weight lifting.
I'd say if you're limited by a weak core, training with a belt will help you increase intra-abdominal pressure to lift more and get stronger, while increasing your core strength at the same time.