Bec Rawlings got worse tattoo than Barao and McGregor

tats like this are a good way of signaling you do not care about future employment.

You've obviously never been to California or the southwest. As more people get tattoos companies in other states are dropping the tattoo bans as well.

I'm of the opinion that if a job doesnt require face to face interaction with customers/clients then tattoos should be allowed.

However visible tattoos, especially face and neck, on a restaurant server/checkout person at a store or field-service type person (cable guy, plumber, etc) is a little too liberally accepted in the west.
I like girls with tattoos and find her attractive. But this is just flat out hideous and gross. She ruined herself.
Not worse than Conor's at least she can grow her hair out to hide it.
It looks like WMMA is going through the same thing men's MMA went through in the early and mid 20s where everyone was tattooed and looked like a prison thug. It's gotten a little better but now it's the women's turn.

They can do what they want with their bodies but girls like JoJo and Bec look like walking stereotypes. Ronda has a few but at least they are tasteful. Can you imagine if she got a lion on the side of her head? Career over or at the very least, she'd be a laughing stock.
It used to be that people aspired to dress like the upper classes. Now they aspire to look like prison inmates.
Can you imagine her poor kid going to school and having mommy drop you off? Sheesh.
The tattoo isn't that bad but the placement is horrible. Conor still has her beat imo.
Ironic how tattoos used to be seldom and stood for rebellion.

Now, they are somehow supposed to be rebellious but are just trendy. So many people have them.
Eh, not for me.

If she's happy with it.. Good.
That's bad. It actually made me say "holy crap" out loud.
Ooooh... Would have smashed.... now not so much.
haha no we don't, but i've got some for special cases like these/ :D

You guys are nuts. The tattoo sucks but she's still got one of the best faces in WMMA. You'd have to be out of your mind to cover it. Just look at her face and not the side of her head.
Didn't anyone ever teach her that you never go full retard.
You know what I really love about tattooed people? They don't give a shit that I don't have any tattoos..
You guys are nuts. The tattoo sucks but she's still got one of the best faces in WMMA. You'd have to be out of your mind to cover it. Just look at her face and not the side of her head.

What about those 'side of her head' kinda guys?

real talk though. I'd still rather have this big cat than my grandma on my chest in the quality of Barao's tat.
I don't know why but I like it