Angry Italians talk about Islam, Muslims and Immigration

Amazing that even with terror attacks now on the way to becoming weekly occurrences across Western Europe, people still try and push the narrative that Europeans just woke up one day and decided to dislike Muslims for no other reason than because they are racist.

All this anti-Muslim, anti-Islamic sentiment is the logical response to way Muslims behave. One of the guys in the video sums it up when he says something along the lines of why should we be tolerant towards something that is totally intolerant in return?
really dont care. italy exported the mafia to the world.

fucking hilarious they are bitching about a few bengalis.

You're the guy always whining on here about lumping in terrorists with Muslims and starting 10 threads a day calling anyone who doesn't love Islam a Nazi. But now you're basically saying fuck Italy and all Italians because they "exported the mafia to the world", as if Italians were the only people to engage in organized crime. So following your logic here, why are you so passionate about defending Islam? They've exported terror, rape, pedophilia, misogyny, female genital mutilation and honour killings to the world.
1 in 25 people in italy are muslim.

got it.


Nowadays the percentage is higher since that was from 2010. It's up to 10% in France and look how shit that place is now.
They will rid of the trash soon enough, they are sick of the Eu and their bs and will soon have a government that deports all this trash.

Italians wont stand for this shit like the pussy french or germans, they will retaliate hard and swift.
Islam simply can not co-exist with any other culture, unless Muslims are only nominal Muslims. If Muslims are religious, they can not live with others without imposing their will on others, because the religion is a totalitarian ideology.

The sooner Western governments and intelligentsia accept the nature of Islam the better because right now it is a case of the Emperor has no clothes

That's the sad truth.
no dude you are saying they are a social ill taking over italy.

i have proven by your own words, they are 1 in 25 people and everything else you say is bullshit too.

but above all else, lets imagine immigration is actually a bad thing and not an economic turbo engine for cultures that dont seem to want to do shit jobs, or reproduce, or go around killing all their old people.

fact is its still 1 in 25 people dude.

that looks like this -


see the ginger. that is the muslim. and you are telling me he will out produce all the rest of them?

its like trying to teach basic mathematics to cimpanzees.

you are a fool. end of.

and end thread too, for anyone with a brain.

In the urban areas the percentage is much higher. That is the reality. We all know this.
Since people are discussing Muslim populations in London ITT, I'm going to share this recent article. I'm curious as to what people think of this taking place:

WATCH: British Muslims Gather in Show of Strength to Demand Caliphate

so free assembly bothers you?

dude, outside of G8 protests, the biggest pain in the arse in the history of the capital was anti fox hunt ban protesters. they were lucky to get out in one piece. football fans bring the capital to a halt in places every week. world city dude.

i dont see you making threads about them though.
In the urban areas the percentage is much higher. That is the reality. We all know this.

which means precisely nothing. because all immigrants gravitate to the big cities and that means theres less in the provinces.
I'm not American... but your middle name is 'desperation'. Just LOOK at your post. The frustration with trying to defend the indefensible is too much for you to bear. ROFL

The UK authorities cover up Muslim rape gangs. Are you British? Do you support this? You really shouldn't be pointing your finger at any other country, dude. You're being taken over by Muslims.

desperation is your post. "blah blah blah rape gangs covered up . so you cant see them blah blah"

you are a whinging little fascist bitch and this thread has been seigered.

i need my own theme music for when i own you lot and leave.

boom. laters bitch.
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I don't think adding Muslims to the equation would work too well in solving the multi-cultural mess that the United States is already dealing with, though.

I would rather use the U.S. as an example of the potential negative aspects of multi-culturalism.

I guarantee a large percentage of the Civil unrest is DUE to Islam. Time after time after time on an uncanny level you look up the names and voices behind civil violence, unrest and upheaval and they are Muslim names. The infection started with movements like the Nation of Islam and then The Muslim Brotherhood's purposeful, subversive efforts on university/college campuses across the West. This is the reality of the mess we're facing.

The reality is Islam, the ideology, is a global, aggressive, deadly cancer. To call it a problem is an understatement.
The pushback is all dad used to always say son white people are great, but if they start to struggle financially and the economy becomes sh1t. Watch your back, We saw what happened to the Jews when the economy became bad in Germany. Nothing scarier than poor white people

So that's where you got your racism from.
I was in Italy with my wifes Bengali friend. Every tourist stall was manned by a Bengali.

Everyone of them.
There are bound to be a few restless natives due to the population replacement policies of globalist power brokers.

It's not exactly a kind and gentle process.

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