Am I the only one who finds stand-up MMA more exciting to watch than Muay Thai?

think that confirms that you don't know much about muay thai.....yet you're writing like you have it all figured out
been to Thailand, taken in the fights. I know enough and was not impressed. the scoring less so than the ruleset is a big reason that MT fights are boring compared to kickboxing or mma fights. scoring knees/kicks more highly than punches or frowning upon the use of good footwork is just dumb imo and doesn't reflect the true nature of striking. punches are more effective and economical than kicks. if anything they should be scored highest and avoiding taking damage should also be rewarded because it further shows mastery over your opponent.
Yup sounds like every muay thai myth in the past couple decades put it a single post.
punches and movement are perfectly viable you just can't take repeatedly take kicks to the arms without answering which is what happens to a lot of foreign fighters.
In mma gloves are small we see alot of ko's
or maybe the lower weight classes produce less ko's in all of combat sports. muay thai in thailand doesnt even get into the welterweight division, let alone middleweight and higher. tiny men dont produce as much ko's as bigger men
I wasn't just talking about MuayThai in Thailand?

Love MT as a martial art, but I often found myself quite bored watching stadium MT.
I prefer K-1 Rules with Clinch Fighting to be honest.
punches and movement are perfectly viable you just can't take repeatedly take kicks to the arms without answering which is what happens to a lot of foreign fighters.
viable is not the same thing as rewarded or even encouraged. sorry but if MT was the juggernaut style you fanboys always make it out to be then you wouldn't see MMA guys pairing it with boxing head movement or karate footwork etc. fact is that traditional MT is nothing more than an obsolete style of fighting and frankly not even a necessary addition for MMA. you can get by on basically pure boxing (diaz bros, garbrandt) you can do well with pure kickboxing (hunt, velasquez) but you cannot be a competent striker in MMA using only MT. Even Anderson Silva who everyone makes over as some MT god was only as successful as he was when he was using boxing techniques. As far as I'm concerned MT is in the TKD and Kenpo category: a nice addition to a full striking game but hardly substantial on its own and hardly a Necessity.
MT guys cuddle all the time. you call it "clinching" and very rarely do I ever see it turn into a brutal knee fest spectactle like MT is wrongly infamous for. instead i see two guys hug and then throw little baby knees to the body/legs because the scoring is retarded and doesn't recognize the value of punching techniques or footwork. so every MT fight turns into either a boring clinch fest or two guys standing around trading leg kicks for several rounds.

I respect it somewhat because there is obviously sound techniques to be learned from it but it's just not entertaining and frankly the entire philosophy behind it is assbackwards. boxing maybe limited but they got the right idea with the "hit without getting hit" philosophy of striking.

been to Thailand, taken in the fights. I know enough and was not impressed. the scoring less so than the ruleset is a big reason that MT fights are boring compared to kickboxing or mma fights. scoring knees/kicks more highly than punches or frowning upon the use of good footwork is just dumb imo and doesn't reflect the true nature of striking. punches are more effective and economical than kicks. if anything they should be scored highest and avoiding taking damage should also be rewarded because it further shows mastery over your opponent.

The referee breaks up the clinch after a few seconds if nothing happens, in MMA you'd need a good minute or more of inactivity against the fence or on the floor before the referee breaks them apart.

I've seen some awesome clinch wars in MT so I'm not sure what you're talking about. I'd like to see how you take those "baby knees" from one of them.

The scoring is ok, for me the real issue is the gambling which affects the fight especially the rounds of "inactivity".

I'm not too sure what you went to watch in Thailand if all you saw was "boring clinch fests", "baby knees", and "two guys standing around trading leg kicks". That's not what I saw when I was there...
viable is not the same thing as rewarded or even encouraged. sorry but if MT was the juggernaut style you fanboys always make it out to be then you wouldn't see MMA guys pairing it with boxing head movement or karate footwork etc. fact is that traditional MT is nothing more than an obsolete style of fighting and frankly not even a necessary addition for MMA. you can get by on basically pure boxing (diaz bros, garbrandt) you can do well with pure kickboxing (hunt, velasquez) but you cannot be a competent striker in MMA using only MT. Even Anderson Silva who everyone makes over as some MT god was only as successful as he was when he was using boxing techniques. As far as I'm concerned MT is in the TKD and Kenpo category: a nice addition to a full striking game but hardly substantial on its own and hardly a Necessity.

there are tons of fights in thailand where the winning fighter spent the majority of the fight moving backwards, there are also a lot of great punchers and boxers from muay thai as well as fighters with elusive movement (not to the same extent as western boxing). most of the fighters in thailand train in boxing too. maybe before making all theses judgements you should try and understand the sport more. not sure why you think kickboxing is so much more effective as well, most of the best kickboxers at the moment are muay thai fighters
been to Thailand, taken in the fights. I know enough and was not impressed. the scoring less so than the ruleset is a big reason that MT fights are boring compared to kickboxing or mma fights. scoring knees/kicks more highly than punches or frowning upon the use of good footwork is just dumb imo and doesn't reflect the true nature of striking. punches are more effective and economical than kicks. if anything they should be scored highest and avoiding taking damage should also be rewarded because it further shows mastery over your opponent.
The crazy thing is that the skill level in MT is so ridiculously high that even though punches are not the most highly scored technique, nak mauys will often go into Western boxing and dominate world class pros.
The crazy thing is that the skill level in MT is so ridiculously high that even though punches are not the most highly scored technique, nak mauys will often go into Western boxing and dominate world class pros.
There's a reason most kickboxing orgs have a restriction on how many Thai they allow to fight and it really isn't just marketability.
i like muay thai cause they stand and bang, mma guys since machida have been running around. it just isnt as exciting because they are just minimizing the amount of time they are in exchanges to be safer. That just isnt as fun to watch.

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