All mexican food is basically the same thing with different names.


I've got 1000 posts, should be a good enough sample for you. Let me know what you find out.

I noticed that. In less than a month. That's...impressive? Anyway glad you took the ribbing as intended. I'll check out your other posts.
I noticed that. In less than a month. That's...impressive? Anyway glad you took the ribbing as intended. I'll check out your other posts.

impressive is a good word for it.
Don't bother with the rest of the posts, your initial assumption is accurate.
Haven't tried mexican bud. I liked the malaysian one. Forgot the strain tho.

There's probably a lot of low-grade TBH with the cartel control, not much free-market competition.

Things are looking good in Canada these days.
Lmao @ ever going to Taco Bell. You sound poor and fat TS
Just a suggestion but you might want to go to more than one Mexican restaurant before you making a sweeping statement about the food.

I mean we can make a sweeping statement about you for this thread but I'll withhold judgment on calling you a simple, fucking moron before I do that until I read a few more of your simple fucking moronic posts.


Medullah, do you remember what Rico was banned for? It seemed so sudden


the cbicken tamales I order from this El Salvadorean restaurant over here are legit. never had them in my life until I found this joint. they look nothing like the crap Roca posted.

Salvadorean tamales > Mexican tamales — 100%
For those that are hungover from Turkey day, any of these fine Mexican dishes will help with your day:


Caldo de Res

And don't forget the Michelada!
Now in fairness I've only been to like two mexican food places and one of them was taco bell in Canada so I might not be 100% correct. And the food is good but it's all just variants on the same theme.

So next time I'm down south what two dishes should I order that'll blow me away and be entirely different and change my view of mexican food?

Pozole and tacos al pastor.

Also taco is just a way to eat stuff, the filling can be anything from fried octopus to cow brains.