UFC cutting to 30 shows? Wheres the proof?


Red Belt
Mar 14, 2015
Reaction score
Keep hearing a few posters repeat this but havent seen a single source verifyng or mentioning this is a real plan.

Where did this rumour come from? Does anyone have any proof showing its real?
we'll se how many cards there will be between jan 1st 2017 and Decmeber 31 2017.
Not sure how they'd be able to sustain the output they are by cutting the amount of fat they have. And I'm sure I've seen a credible source. Just cannot remember where the article was.
we'll se how many cards there will be between jan 1st 2017 and Decmeber 31 2017.

Well yeah, but as far as I can tell the reduced show talk that has been going around has been 100% fake/contrived/invented on sherdog with no source.

Wheres the proof
Not sure how they'd be able to sustain the output they are by cutting the amount of fat they have. And I'm sure I've seen a credible source. Just cannot remember where the article was.

Show me this article
Think it had something to do with their dodgy debt and the irs investigating a loan. Somink like that.
Well yeah, but as far as I can tell the reduced show talk that has been going around has been 100% fake/contrived/invented on sherdog with no source.

Wheres the proof

with all the recent cost cutting, that wouldn't surpise me.
Asian divison is almost done.
Cut in Canada too.
They seem to back up a bit on expanding the brand for now.
If they mostly do buisness in the US the number of event got to go down a bit imo.
But who knows.
When you pay 4 Billion for something, you gotta cut costs somewhere else ....:rolleyes:
30 doesnt sound that bad at all. That still 2/3 shows a month. How many did we have in 2015/2016?
with all the recent cost cutting, that wouldn't surpise me.
Asian divison is almost done.
Cut in Canada too.
They seem to back up a bit on expanding the brand for now.
If they mostly do buisness in the US the number of event got to go down a bit imo.
But who knows.

Its called restructuring the company, it does not mean theyve abandoned the markets

Wait I'm looking to pull more out of my ass. My memories hazy but there's some shit in there still.

That article doesn't say anything about cutting cards. We all know they overpaid. We want to know why they would cut their ability to make a profit by holding substantially less cards.

Cutting of fighters


Which coindentally means less cards. Probably. That would kinda make sense.

It could also mean fighters actually getting the chance to fight multiple times in a year. Too many times the UFC hires an injury replacement and then he gets injured and they hire another replacement, and then we have a bunch of bottom of the barrel fights (see LW/WW)
30 shows is still too many. When UFC was in its prime and at its best (2007-2010) it has between 15-20 shows a year, that is perfect, that is the best way to build stars. When you have so many shows everything just gets lost and everything looks the same, its a chore to watch. 20 shows would be so perfect, the cards would be so much better and stacked and we can have anticipation and excitement for it.