17 year old girl benches 380 clean!

Why would you do reps of 15 to build strength? A coach could have had you training lower rep ranges.you could have pretty easily hit 225. Also maybe you don't have elite genetics.

Most gym goers are not the strongest people. Many go to the gym because they're weak. Most never bench or touch free weights. That stat means little in this context.

Your trolling has been fun and allowed us to lay facts down for anyone reading TT but I reckon there's little more to gain. Unless you can increase the resistance?

Or, to quote Dave Tate,

"Maybe you just don't know how to fucking Bench" ;)
I never had any issues shoulder wise overhead pressing at all. I’ve prioritized it over the last 8-10 years and can OHP my BW for 5-6 reps with perfect strict form (I can do a little more with a log press trainer or trap bar.

I’ve been really good with mobility work with my shoulders but I have had some issues benching with shoulder pain at the bottom mainly my right shoulder (which has seen plenty of use in sports). Doing pause reps and developing a consistent stopping point really help and assistance / accessory movements with neutral grip bars / floor presses.

I throw inclines in the mix as secondary work every few training blocks or weighted dips and I seem to be okay there. I do however pull more than I push and have for about a decade and a half. I’ll do my antagonistic movements (sometimes super sets) with my pushes.

I have a solid home gym which allows me to do these things without disruptions or sharing with anyone. So I can have my bench setup and pendlay rows or OHP and weighted pull-ups and seamlessly move between them.

I never done board presses it’s an accessory I always considered getting along with knee sleeves for squatting (which I really should have had by now).

Not sure why we are being called idiots for suggesting back arch and other variables (such as grip width and chest placement) can’t impact numbers…. coming out of the bottom of a bench (and squat) makes the lift more difficult. If you decrease the rom it definitely brings up numbers. These techniques are specifically trained to get every bit of extra weight out of the lift.

Yeah, Westside used stuff like SS Bar High Box Squats, Board Presses and Rack Pulls as a major part of their training. The idea was to overload the lift, to allow the lifter to move more weight than he could normally. The theory being this would make him stronger when he went back to full ROM.
Looks like Mark Henry.

Also, what the hell kind of form is she using? Aren't you supposed to keep your back flat on the bench all the way down from your shoulders to your butt? No arch?