Your go to chocolate bar.

I don't eat a lot of candy anymore.

All-timers for me are Heath/Skor. They are the same thing, chocolate-covered toffee, but I find the Skor to be slightly better.

Reese's Peanut-Butter Cups.

Almond Joy/Mounds.

M & Ms. Plain are preferred.

Mars Bar

Mr. Goodbar. I find Hershey's offerings to be too waxy, but I love them smothered in peanut butter.
These crushed up with Butterfingers and mixed with vanilla ice cream ... fucking amazing.
Not being hyperbolic when I say that sounds like the best combo I've ever heard of. If I break my diet, it will be for this. Thanks bro.
@Contempt Is Violet Crumble popular in Oz? Eamon bought me one the other day from the international section in our local supermarket...haven't tried it yet.
It used to be. I haven't had one for years.

Honeycomb covered in chocolate so it's quite sweet.
Ahhhh, we have a Brit version called Crunchie. It'll take a while for me to get to it, it's massive and I still have Halloween candy on the go when I have a sweet tooth.
I love Bounty


We used to have the cherry flavour in the 90's early 2000's in MTL
Mr.Big was always my favourite as a child but Twix,Snickers leap frogged it. Candy bar vs Chocolate bar are they synonomous?
There used to be one here in Canada called Royale, it was a mint solid chocolate bar. Not mint filling, it was chocolate all the way through and and the chocolate was mint infused. It was the best tasting thing ever. Thank After Eight bought it and completely fucked it up, and now you can't get it anywhere.
probably the chocohaus on 4th get half off cocktails on Saturdays if you dress like an m&m

followed by HershySquirtz always hoping on a friday