Wrestling figure four pin= awesome bjj control


Brown Belt
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
not the pro wrestling figure four. the figure four on the head for pin. I used this a little back in my judo days (there is a pretty sweet choke from side mount... grab the near collar, step over the head for the figure four, dont know the name).

anyway i sort of fell into in class the other night, and realized how much control i had from there, so i started going for it for teh rest of the night. there is TONS of crap you can do from here. why isnt there any info on this position in bjj tutorials? why isnt there more emphasis on this position?

a few options:

- aformentioned gi choke (my favorite)
- kimuras and americana
- ankle locks

- knee pinch to head scoop from north south
- from side mount, step over
- from belly down or turtle , drive over wrestling figure four turn

if you were a wrestler you know the position, your bjj opponent is completely helpless. anyone else use this? anyone know where i can find more info?
I used to love the figure-four pin from a chicken wing, and it has transitioned nicely to jj where I use side control triangles and bastardized triangle chokes (reach your hand under their head, grab your foot/pantleg, and you don't even need to interlock your legs to finish the submission). it's a money technique, and probably my number 1 submission/attack from side control.
I used to love the figure-four pin from a chicken wing, and it has transitioned nicely to jj where I use side control triangles and bastardized triangle chokes (reach your hand under their head, grab your foot/pantleg, and you don't even need to interlock your legs to finish the submission). it's a money technique, and probably my number 1 submission/attack from side control.

i dont understand. tell me more, as i have rediscovered this position and am in love with it
The choke does not require finishing the triangle. It only requires getting your foot over their head, keeping it flat on the ground and pressed tight to their neck, and then reaching under their head with your hand and grabbing your own ankle or pant leg. It is a choke and it works very well. I have never seen anyone actually teach it, but I use it all the time, and it works on anyone I can secure the position on. It allows you to keep your weight where you want it while executing the technique, which is sometimes a problem with the full figure-four/triangle from side control when rolling with big guys who can easily bench press your ass.
it's used alot in bjj. especially in no gi.
I can't visualize what you're talking about. Do you have a pic or vid of this "figure four pin"? If not can you describe how it works?
I can't visualize what you're talking about. Do you have a pic or vid of this "figure four pin"? If not can you describe how it works?

sorry couldnt find a pic. opponent on his back your have an inverted triangle with no arms in. opp on back, u in side mount on your right, step rt leg over, figure four head, arch up applying downward pressure with hips.
sorry couldnt find a pic. opponent on his back your have an inverted triangle with no arms in. opp on back, u in side mount on your right, step rt leg over, figure four head, arch up applying downward pressure with hips.

If you don't have any of his arms in, how do you stop him from quickly sliding out when you step over and try to lock it in? Can't he just push off your leg and pop his head out?
The choke does not require finishing the triangle. It only requires getting your foot over their head, keeping it flat on the ground and pressed tight to their neck, and then reaching under their head with your hand and grabbing your own ankle or pant leg. It is a choke and it works very well. I have never seen anyone actually teach it, but I use it all the time, and it works on anyone I can secure the position on. It allows you to keep your weight where you want it while executing the technique, which is sometimes a problem with the full figure-four/triangle from side control when rolling with big guys who can easily bench press your ass.

Is this it?


That's my instructor showing it. I personally call that the crow-bar.
not the pro wrestling figure four. the figure four on the head for pin. I used this a little back in my judo days (there is a pretty sweet choke from side mount... grab the near collar, step over the head for the figure four, dont know the name).

anyway i sort of fell into in class the other night, and realized how much control i had from there, so i started going for it for teh rest of the night. there is TONS of crap you can do from here. why isnt there any info on this position in bjj tutorials? why isnt there more emphasis on this position?

a few options:

- aformentioned gi choke (my favorite)
- kimuras and americana
- ankle locks

- knee pinch to head scoop from north south
- from side mount, step over
- from belly down or turtle , drive over wrestling figure four turn

if you were a wrestler you know the position, your bjj opponent is completely helpless. anyone else use this? anyone know where i can find more info?

In judo, it is called yoko sankaku. I use it a lot, to set up the attacks you mentioned. Both BJJ and judo instructors shown it to me, but more often by judoka since it is a pin. It isn't best position for GnP which is why it isn't shown often in basic BJJ tutorials.
sorry couldnt find a pic. opponent on his back your have an inverted triangle with no arms in. opp on back, u in side mount on your right, step rt leg over, figure four head, arch up applying downward pressure with hips.

That's an inverted "phantom" choke. It is Balto's specialty.
i cant see the vid right now... i have never been shown this position in bjj, and just sort of forgot about it. you can effortlessly hold your opponent down with no hands freeing you to work on the kimura or something else... like i said i was shown teh choke in judo a while back and sort of took to it because of the setup (which is just liek teh f4 in wrestling, whi i used all the time)... fun stuff.

just thought id post because i was so excitedto re-discover a whole new world.
Is this it?


That's my instructor showing it. I personally call that the crow-bar.

Yup, that's pretty much it. I enter it a little differently and don't usually use the collar to finish it though (because I often attempt it when the guy is flat on his back, which makes getting collar pressure tough). If you grab your own pantleg/heal from there, you can finish the choke gi or no gi, flat on back or turning into you. I love this move because it is very easy for me, very natural, and very tough to defend once I'm in a position to pull it off (especially since most people are expecting the triangle and only focus on getting their arm free).
I can't say I've ever used this position much. I've tried it a few times but seem to suck at it, lol. :redface:

I'm sure it's like anything else, and comes with practice.
figure-4. I guess it's because i have/perfer a more "mobile/flowing" top game.
figure-4. I guess it's because i have/perfer a more "mobile/flowing" top game.

i could see that. i'm not a real fluid grappler, i like to dominate position, lock guys down so they just just have to lay there and let me work. i desrcibe my style as dominant top, spaz bottom.