What Happened to Street Outlaws


Silver Belt
Sep 15, 2018
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Do they only race on the track now? Everytime I try to watch it now they racing on a track and not race on public streets like the used to? Did someone get sued or something? Anyone Die? Why put it on the track and call it "Street" Outlaws. Shit is dumb now. Where is Asian?
I'm not familiar with these "out laws" but if they do not respect teh rules of teh roads then I have no interest in supporting said near do wells!
well it was not out law to begin with..
The production company filled for rights to use the streets for racing and the street was closed of for the night and there where even ambulance and sometimes firetrucks.

AZN died of AIDS and stupidity.
They are racing with Paul walker now.
Do they only race on the track now? Everytime I try to watch it now they racing on a track and not race on public streets like the used to? Did someone get sued or something? Anyone Die? Why put it on the track and call it "Street" Outlaws. Shit is dumb now. Where is Asian?

There are two shows now for them. No prep kings then their regular street thing. It still exists, they alternate.
They got sued by people who's relatives were injured in street racing incidents that were claimed to be inspired by the show.
It was all a reality show. It was never street racing. The first clue....and it's a big one....is when they show up with full trailers and drag cars. Seriously if you think they are using this for a daily driver you are crazy:
It was all a reality show. It was never street racing. The first clue....and it's a big one....is when they show up with full trailers and drag cars. Seriously if you think they are using this for a daily driver you are crazy:

Jeff Lutz has run a couple of his cars in Drag Week.
Exactly. Promods are race built machines not street cars. The Street Outlaws show is just a fun(depending on tastes) reality show centered around drag racing. The street part is setup and the outlaws part is a lie. If these guys ever do race illegally they are not putting it on national television to get caught with.
Jeff Lutz has run a couple of his cars in Drag Week.
Loved it first few seasons then it turned to shit. And they were racing on the street in the sense that it wasn't a prepped track. It was a closed street granted,but it still presented the problem of getting the power to the ground. Different disciplines.