Washington Post: Liberals Must Stay Angry During Trump's Presidency


Yellow Card
Mar 14, 2013
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Stay angry. That’s the only way to uphold principles in Trump’s America.


The prettification of Donald Trump has begun. When a crushed Hillary Clinton graciously asked that Trump be given “a chance to succeed,” I confess that I felt no such graciousness. This made me as small as Mitch McConnell, I know. But if Trump succeeds, America may fail; and it is America, its values and its interests, whose success matters most desperately to me. No cooling off, then. We must stay hot for America. The political liberty that we cherish in this precious republic is most purely and exhilaratingly experienced as the liberty to oppose.

The Left Wing Washington Post telling their readers to continue to be butthurt about Trump winning while calling the republicans the hateful angry bunch in America. These people seriously can not deal right now and the WP is only doubling down on their vendetta against Trump.
the left has a monopoly on fear and obstruction. guy has not even taken office yet.
Like the bolshevik scum who destroyed Russia, the left too has its eyes on the destruction of America. Trump was the last hope and his election has given us enough time to mobilize, get our guns, unify, and put up the front for the inevitable civil war that is going to happen.
These people are insane man. They are truly obsessed with dividing America.
The new left is different from the old kind of liberalism. They see the world through a false victim/oppressor dichotomy, and naturally they see themselves as the shining heroes that will save the imaginary victims.
There were a lot of right wingers who hated Obama, but this is a whole new level. Violent riots with millions in damage, petitions for impeachment that don't even cite a reason for impeachment, trying to get electors to subvert the vote...I seriously hope moderates can reign this shit in, before these retards can flip 90% of the country to Republican.
So check this out, these are not protests. The left has gone apeshit insane.

So expect more vandalism, violent beatings and riots? Time for the people to arm themselves and get their CCWs.
That makes me sad. Instead of practicing what they preach, they are being insolent, and doing much worse than they accused the the right of doing with obama. Hypocrites.
The left have a behaviour in every single country that follows the same pattern: Lie continously to make the adversary into a monster without humanity, but when said behaviour is displayed to the public appear as the victim, and when not attack and destroy to end the cycle you blame the destruction on the enemy.
I get this is an op-ed and doesn't represent the left as a whole but give me a fucking break. The guy hasn't even been sworn in yet.
LOL, destroy portland oregon, that long-standing republican stronghold!

How in the hell do you protest a presidential election that went the other way? What is the protest exactly? The voters put Trump in office, so they are protesting voting? Seriously, this entire episode (the 2016 election) has been so off the rails for months I can't make out anymore what is actually going on with this country.
Liberals should stay vigilant, they should stay involved with the political process, and they should keep abreast of everything that is going on with their government at all levels at all times. But angry? Why? We all know that nothing productive comes from that. We all know that you're not at your best when you're blinded by emotion, and if can often cause you to make terrible decisions. So why would media outlets try to feed and encourage this outpouring of rage? Maybe I already answered my own question.
How in the hell do you protest a presidential election that went the other way? What is the protest exactly? The voters put Trump in office, so they are protesting voting? Seriously, this entire episode (the 2016 election) has been so off the rails for months I can't make out anymore what is actually going on with this country.

That's exactly what they want. Their demands are that our college of electors overrule our election.
the left has a monopoly on fear and obstruction. guy has not even taken office yet.

Yes. It's a stark contrast from the way conservatives didn't immediately go into defensive, sky-is-falling, America is doomed, claws-out mode when Obama was elected in 2008.

Shame on the left.
That's exactly what they want. Their demands are that our college of electors overrule our election.

The sad reality is, contrary to the nonsensical arguments people have put forward recently to defend or explain the EC, the idea that free electors exist as a last-defense firewall to keep a charismatic, potential tyrant out of the White House is exactly why the Founders instituted the EC.

(I say this as someone who wants to see the EC either abolished entirely or modified to require that all states divide their electoral votes according to popular vote percentages.)
The sad reality is, contrary to the nonsensical arguments people have put forward recently to defend or explain the EC, the idea that free electors exist as a last-defense firewall to keep a charismatic, potential tyrant out of the White House is exactly why the Founders instituted the EC.

(I say this as someone who wants to see the EC either abolished entirely or modified to require that all states divide their electoral votes according to popular vote percentages.)

Do you have a source for that?
If that were true, half the states wouldn't have laws that punish faithless electors.